Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes
Sept 12, 2017 – Mikeee’s Paynes Point
The meeting was called to order at 7:41 p.m. by Pres : Paul Kuehnl.
First order of business:
The April 2017 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo.
Minutes were accepted and unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Please join our club for a copy of the Treasurer’s report.
Social / Promotions Committee
No updates.
Club Vintage Event:
Stacy Frakes and Paul Kuehnl have been very busy all summer putting together a plan for the Fox Valley Winter Expo. The club is still looking for sponsorships from local businesses. Stacy handed out forms at the meeting to share with prospective partners for the event. The WP Board did have a meeting on Sept 5 and have already assigned the following local businesses to club board members: Team Winnebagoland, Ecklund, Ken’s Sports, Sportomotive, Gruett’s in Potter, Bohn’s in Berlin, Stravelers, Joes Power Center in Kimberley and the local Amsoil rep.
Stacy is also trying to leverage our presence on Facebook and setup email lists for all of the counties surrounding Winnebago county to help spread the word. She is pushing to grow our Facebook likes on our page from the high 200’s to up over the 1,000 mark.
AWSC Convention Hospitality Suite
The club has a room reserved for the Hospitality Suite at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel on Friday October, 27, 2017. The room will be larger than the one that we had two years ago. The club plans to have around a dozen gift baskets this year, a 50/50 raffle and we will be selling cash raffle tickets at the event. We also plan to have a wheel barrow of booze again this year and are looking for donations from local businesses and club members for the raffle baskets.
Club Raffle
The club passed a raffle budget of $2,500 at the April meeting. The board has decided that we will be selling 500 tickets at $10 each for the following prizes: $2,000 cash grand prize plus five $100 second place prizes. Stacy will have the tickets available at the October meeting. We plan to sell these tickets at the Hospitality Suite and we plan on giving away the grand prize at the Fox Valley Winter Expo on January 6, 2018.
County Director’s Report
No updates this month.
Trail/Grooming Committee
The Summer sign party was cancelled due to a lack of attendance. We may still have another get together sometime this fall to prep the signs before our December marking day. There will be no marking before October due to the fact that none of the crops have been harvested yet.
Membership and Safety Committee:
No updates this month.
Old Business
AWSC of the year awards:
Stephanie Kaul submitted a nice write-up honoring our local dealer, Team Winnebagoland. Unfortunately, they did not win the award this year.
The club will be selling corn again this year at Octoberfest. The board has delegated responsibilities out amongst the board members to have everything prepped for the event. We will be located in our same spot on College Ave as last year which is right in front of Houdini Plaza. We plan to once again sell 150 dozen ears of corn at our biggest annual fundraiser. A volunteer sign-up sheet was passed around at the meeting and we will still need additional help on both Friday Sept 29 and Saturday Sept 30.
New Business
Landowner Update:
Paul Kuehnl’s family gave a donation of $500 to the club.
The WP Board has made a special offer for a drawing for a free club membership for the 2017-2018 season. Any club member who submits a paid application and brings in a donation for our Hospitality Suite by our October meeting will be eligible to win.
Thrivent Financial Members Choice dollars program:
Now that the Wolff’s Pack SC is officially a 501c(3) corporation, Stacy Frakes submitted our organization to the Thrivent Financial Members Choice dollars program. In the event that we do get approved as an eligible member, we may be able to receive donations from people who invest with Thrivent Financial.
8:23 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved.
Attendance: Jason Ollanketo, Paul Kuehnl, Stacy Frakes, Stu and Patty Hoelzel, Harv Harrison, Michele and Mariah Covill, Mike and Scott Thoma, Stu Brazee, Tom Jones, Ryan Bries, Brett Bernier
Respectfully Submitted,
Jason Ollanketo
The Wolff’s Pack club grooms the trails from Lake Winnebago to the Wiouwash Trail in the Town of Vinland. The club also grooms the Winneconne Wolfrunner’s trail from the Wiouwash to the Winneconne High School.
Sign up for our newsetter for upcoming meetings, events and (coming soon) trail status updates!