Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes
Oct 11, 2016 – Mikeee’s Paynes Point
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Vice President Paul Kuehnl.
First order of business:
Sept 2016 meeting minutes were read by Stacy Frakes.
Minutes were unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Please join our club to get a copy of the Treasurer’s Report.
Social / Promotions Committee
No updates
Trail/Grooming Committee
The crops are coming off slowly. Some of the fields have been disked and Mike Giese will continue to disk as weather and conditions permit. Mike will be scheduling a Groomer Committee activity day in the near future. Watch your emails. If you would like to join the Groomer/Trails committee please contact Mike directly.
Safety Committee
Jason Ollanketo will be teaching a joint ATV/Snowmobile class again this year sometime in December. More information will be available once the class is scheduled.
Old Business
The club had a very successful Octoberfest again this year. We were one of three groups selling corn on the avenue. We sold out of 150 dozen ears of corn by 3:15. Allen’s Corn was a huge hit on the avenue, while the other corn vendors, still had lots of corn left at the end of the day. A special thanks goes out to all of the club members who volunteered their time: Stu and Patty Hoelzel, Mike and Scott Thoma, Tom Spierowski, Mike Giese, Beth Calder, Brian Reeves, Mark and Michele Covill, Harv and Deb Harrison, Stacy Frakes, Leon Harder, Rock Suutala, Todd Llewellyn, Brian and Cindy Feit and Jason Ollanketo. I apologize for anyone that I may have missed.
Todd Llewellyn was able to pick up some more club t-shirts prior to the event. If anyone is interested these shirts can be purchased for $25 each. Our remaining inventory is located at the Vinland Still and Grill in the display cabinet. Our current inventory is as follows:
Black long sleeve shirts: 2 Large and 2 XL shirts remaining.
Blue short sleeve shirts: 2 Small, 3 Med, 6 Large, 3-XL and 4-2XL
New Business
501c(3) status:
Stacy Frakes did some research on how much it would cost for the club to sign up for a 501c(3) tax exempt status. She spoke with the Epiphany Law firm and estimates that the total lawyer and filing fees will be somewhere between $1500 and $2000. After some discussion regarding the benefits of Wolf Pack Snowmobile Club Monthly Meeting Minutes 2010-2011
becoming eligible for tax deductible donations, Stu Hoelzel made a motion for Stacy and the club to move ahead with Epiphany Law Offices to become a 501c(3). This was seconded by Mike Bresnyan and approved by the membership.
Club Raffle:
The WP board met before the meeting and put together some plans for the club to have a cash raffle this fall to help offset the costs of the 501c(3) paperwork. The board suggested that the club sell 250 raffle tickets at the cost of $20 each with a grand prize of $1500 and a total of 5-$100 consolation prizes. If all of the tickets were sold this could result in a fundraising opportunity of almost $3,000. There was a lot of discussion amongst the club members who ultimately agreed on a ticket price of $10 with 500 total tickets to be sold. Todd Llewellyn made a motion for the club to do the cash raffle with the grand prize to be given away at the January Breakfast meeting. Stacy will get 500 tickets printed to sell at $10 each with a $1,500 top prize and 5-$100 second place prizes. Joel Vernon seconded and all approved. We will need support from all of our club members to help sell these tickets.
During the Sept meeting, a motion was made to give away a free membership at the October meeting in an effort to jumpstart memberships for the year. The club ended up having 10 people sign up online and took in an additional 21 memberships at the meeting for a total of 31 to start the season.
Our newest member, Lisa Fochs drew Brian and Cindy Feit as the winner for the free membership for this season.
A $40 tab was opened to serve pizza at the meeting.
8:16 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved.
Attendance: Jason Ollanketo, Stu Hoelzel, Scott Thoma, Paul Kuehnl, Mike Giese, Joel Vernon, Stu Brazee, Todd Llewellyn, Eric Kaul, Stacy Frakes, Brian Reeves, Harv Harrison, Beth Calder, Mike Bresnyan, Scott and Teri Johnson, Mark Royer, Milt Schafer, Grant Wilson, Craig and Lisa Fochs
The Wolff’s Pack club grooms the trails from Lake Winnebago to the Wiouwash Trail in the Town of Vinland. The club also grooms the Winneconne Wolfrunner’s trail from the Wiouwash to the Winneconne High School.
Sign up for our newsetter for upcoming meetings, events and (coming soon) trail status updates!