Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes
Oct 10, 2017 – Mikeee’s Paynes Point
The meeting was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by Pres : Paul Kuehnl.
First order of business:
The Sept 2017 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo.
Minutes were accepted and approved with the following amendment.
Last month the club received a $500 donation from the Murial Kuehnl Memorial Fund.
Treasurer’s Report (Ending 9/30/17)
Please join our club to see a copy of the Treasurer’s report.
Social / Promotions Committee
Club Vintage Event:
Stacy Frakes and Paul Kuehnl continue to work to get sponsors and vendors signed up for the event. More information will be available at the next meeting.
AWSC Convention Hospitality Suite
The club spent some time discussing this topic. Stacy drafted a donation letter for people to hand out and she planned to email it to the club after the meeting. Stacy volunteered to store the raffle baskets and donations at her house. A small group plans to meet at Stacy’s at 3:00 on the day of the event. Anyone else who wants to attend should contact Paul Kuehnl and plan to meet at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel at 4 pm or later as your schedule allows. The event will probably go until midnight with cleanup after.
Club Raffle
Stacy brought cash raffle tickets to the meeting and has advertising posters available. These tickets will be sold at the Hospitality Suite and will be available to any club members at our next meeting. The drawing for the $2,000 top prize and 5-$100 prizes will be held at our Fox Valley Winter Expo event on January 6, 2018.
County Director’s Report
Mike Giese reported on the upcoming AWSC workshop. Levi Lavallee will be a keynote speaker at the event on Saturday Oct 28. The new Miss Snowflake will also be crowned at the event.
Mike also reported that the Wisconsin Legislature has passed Assembly Bill 180. This new bill accomplishes the following changes regarding snowmobile trail funding.
Trail/Grooming Committee
No discing has been done as of the October meeting. Most of the soybeans have been harvested and farmers have started working up their fields. Mike plans to start discing before the next meeting. There were a number of landowner deaths this year. This will create extra work for our trail boss and he may have to negotiate with new landowners along our trail route.
Membership and Safety Committee:
Jason Ollanketo will be teaching an ATV/Snowmobile class at the Boys and Girls Brigade in December. Dates will be available by the next meeting.
Old Business
The club had an excellent turnout at Octoberfest again this year. The day before the event the Octoberfest committee increased our corn order from 150 dozen to 175 dozen ears of corn. Everything was sold out by 4:41 PM. A special thanks goes out to all the club volunteers who helped make the event a huge success.
Michele Covill was the lucky winner of the free club membership. A special thanks goes out to all the club members who brought donations for our hospitality suite to the meeting.
New Business
Wolff’s Pack Club Ride:
Our VP, Grant Wilson is researching opportunities for a destination club ride this winter. Please share any ideas you may have to help plan this opportunity. The town of Cayuga, WI was brought up as a potential destination at the meeting. In the event, that we do have local snow in the area, we will try to take advantage of a club ride on a more impromptu basis.
An officer of the Hook and Spear Club had a conversation with some of our club members about us participating in more local events in the area over the winter months. Ideas like offering snowmobile support for events like The Walk across the Lake among others were discussed.
8:32 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved.
Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Stu and Patty Hoelzel, Harvey Harrison, Michele and Mariah Covill, Scott Thoma, Stu Brazee, Brian Reeves, Beth Calder, Todd Llewellyn
The Wolff’s Pack club grooms the trails from Lake Winnebago to the Wiouwash Trail in the Town of Vinland. The club also grooms the Winneconne Wolfrunner’s trail from the Wiouwash to the Winneconne High School.
Sign up for our newsetter for upcoming meetings, events and (coming soon) trail status updates!