Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes
Jan 8, 2019 at the Neenah Hook and Spear Club
The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl.
First order of business:
The December 2018 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo.
Minutes were accepted and approved.
Treasurer’s Report (Ending 12/31/2018)
Please join the Wolff’s Pack to get a copy of the Treasurer’s Report.
The Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved.
Social / Promotions Committee
Fox Valley Winter Expo:
The Fox Valley Winter Expo was held on Saturday Jan 5, 2019. The event was well attended and saw a 50% increase in class entries from the previous year with over 120 show spots. It was also a much nicer day this year with temperatures in the 40’s most of the day. We had both our Massey Ferguson tractor and our 1989 Bombardier groomer present at the event. We also had a side by side donated by Riesterer and Schnell to give kid’s rides. The groomer ended up stealing the show and we had many excited children (and even some adults) who took advantage of taking a ride in the groomer. We did very well for our second year for this event. Official totals for the event will be available at our next club meeting in February and will also factor in all of our expenses for the event. The event was a huge success and an improvement over our first year.
Club Raffle:
On Saturday morning at the start of Winter Expo, we had just broken even on our Cash raffle ticket sales. We ended up selling 299 tickets this year out of the 500 tickets available. After our $2,000 payout and factoring in ticket printing fees, we ended up making around $745 total for the raffle. A special thanks goes out to everyone who helped sell tickets to make this raffle a success. Another special note is that the grand prize ticket was purchased by one of our club members as a Christmas gift. This marks the second year in a row that a gift to someone else was the winning ticket.
Congratulations to our Raffle Winners
Ben Smit $1,500 Grand Prize
Stacy Frakes $100
Keith Uhlenbrauck $100
Nathan Ollanketo $100
Randy Nicklaus $100
Mae Tyler $100
County Director’s Report
The AWSC County Director’s meeting was held in Rice Lake the day of Expo, so Mike Giese did not attend. Representative Mark Bombinski went in Mike’s place but was not available to give our club an update.
Trail/Grooming Committee
The trail is now fully marked. The club did go out grooming one time from the groomer shed out to Lake Winnebago on New Years Day, but the warm weather over expo weekend erased all our efforts. The trails were very rough and in definite need of more snow. The club did discuss the fact that we do not currently have any spare tires for our groomer. Mike Giese and Paul Kuehnl plan to get some estimates to get at least one spare tire available in case we have a failure.
Membership and Safety Committee:
We currently have 58 members on our roster. An additional 2 memberships were sent into the AWSC on Jan 1, 2019. As of this meeting we have one pending membership to be sent to the AWSC in mid-January.
Old Business
Club Destination Ride: Weekend of January 25 at the Americinn in Minocqua, WI.
There were only two rooms booked for the club ride by the Jan 1st cutoff date for the reduced rate.
New Club Drag:
At the last meeting the club put together a budget to go look at a used drag for sale in Portage, WI. Mike Giese and Mike Bresynan were able to get a free truck and trailer rental to go look at the drag and talked the owners down to $800 for the purchase. All told, including fuel and lunch, the Mikes ended up spending $904 of a $1,200 budget picking up this used piece of equipment. The groomer committee plans to make some upgrades to this unit over the summer months with plans to help use it for trail leveling next fall.
New Business
Mike Giese made a motion for the club to rent the Sunnyview Expo center again next year for the Fox Valley Winter Expo on Saturday Jan 4, 2020. Stacy Frakes seconded and all approved. The club did discuss that if we do plan to have this event again in 2021, that we would probably have to move it out to the second Saturday in January, since the first Saturday will fall on January 2, 2021 which is too close to the New Year’s holiday.
8:14 P.M., Motion to
adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved.
Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Brian
Reeves, Scott Thoma,
Sean Neitzel, Harvey Harrison, Stu Hoelzel, Bruce Butler
The Wolff’s Pack club grooms the trails from Lake Winnebago to the Wiouwash Trail in the Town of Vinland. The club also grooms the Winneconne Wolfrunner’s trail from the Wiouwash to the Winneconne High School.
Sign up for our newsetter for upcoming meetings, events and (coming soon) trail status updates!