Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes
April 9, 2019 at the Neenah Hook and Spear Club
The meeting was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl.
First order of business:
The March 2019 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo.
Minutes were accepted and approved.
Treasurer’s Report (Ending 3/31/2019)
Please join the Wolff’s Pack to see a copy of the Treasurer’s Report.
Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved.
Social / Promotions Committee
Fox Valley Winter Expo:
Paul would like to focus on more kid events for next year. He did visit one show that had a kids lego contest that was judged at the event. More to come next year.
Club Raffle:
No updates at the meeting. The club would like to do a raffle again next season.
County Director’s Report
The AWSC Annual convention was held March 22-24 at the Radisson Hotel and Convention Center in Green Bay, WI. Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo and Paul Kuehnl all attended the Saturday General meeting.
The major updates from the meeting were as follows.
Trail/Grooming Committee
All of the signs along the trail were picked up on Saturday April 6th by Mike Giese, Mike Bresynan and Mike Thoma. Thanks guys, for volunteering your time. The trail boss did state that we will need to have a “Sign Party” to wash the signs that got covered in mud during the extraction.
Membership and Safety Committee:
We currently have 63 members on our roster. One of our club members, Andy Baus, has recently been certified by the DNR to be an ATV/Snowmobile Safety Instructor. Andy will be helping Jason Ollanketo teach an ATV/Snowmobile Safety Class in early December at the Boys and Girls Brigade in Neenah.
Old Business
Club Disk:
The club did end up finding a very nice disk for sale on the other side of Lake Winnebago. The club ended up getting this disk for $2,500. Paul Kuehnl also agreed to buy the harrows off the back of the disk to bring the total cost down to $2,300 from $3,500 budgeted. Please see the attached picture of our new 12 foot wide disk with 20 inch disks and four foot wings on each side that will serve as extra weight for fall tilling as well as future spare parts. Paul Kuehnl did make a motion for the club to list our old disk for sale on Facebook Marketplace for $250. Scott Thoma seconded and all approved.
2019/2020 Wolff’s Pack Meeting Location:
Jason Ollanketo made a motion for the club to have our meetings next year at the brand new, Beehive Barn and Grill on County Hwy G. Mike Giese seconded and all approved. The Beehive is expected to open its new building sometime early this summer and they will be offering up their dining area for us to conduct meetings on Tuesday nights.
New Business
Fundraising opportunities for 2019/2020 season
Octoberfest: The club agreed that we will once again sell Allen’s corn at Octoberfest next season.
AWSC Hospitality
Suite: After a lot of discussion, the
club did decide that we will not be doing a Hospitality Suite at the AWSC
workshop this fall at the Radisson in Appleton.
Fox Valley Winter
Expo: The club has already committed to
having another Vintage Snowmobile Event at the Sunnyview expo center next
year. The Expo committee will be putting
together ideas for fundraising events associated with this annual undertaking.
Charitable Donations:
Paul Kuehnl did reach out to the Vinland Fire Department to see if they had any current financial needs and they said they did not. We did hear that the Neenah-Menasha Rescue Team was looking to raise funds to purchase much needed supplies. Patty Hoelzel made a motion for the Wolff’s Pack to donate $250 to the Neenah-Menasha-Water Rescue Team, Scott Thoma seconded and all approved. Stacy Frakes agreed to talk with them so we could make a formal presentation to them at a later date.
Bylaw Updates and Membership changes:
Due to the recent changes made by the AWSC regarding their membership policies, the Wolff’s Pack Board will be examining changes to our bylaws to better align with the AWSC. We will be voting on these proposed changes at our September Annual meeting. The club will be making a big push to get as many memberships as possible paid at the September meeting this year. We will also be pushing to collect memberships for our 2020/2021 season at our final April meeting so that all club memberships can be sent in right after the July 1st renewal date in July of 2020.
Club Goals Review:
The board will be reviewing our 1 year and 5 year goals over the summer months and has plans to present updates to the club at our Annual meeting in September.
Nominations and Elections for officers
Stacy Frakes agreed to accept a nomination for the Treasurer role for the next two years. Grant Wilson accepted a nomination to run again as Vice President and Eric Kappell accepted a nomination to run as a two year board member. After lots of discussions, Scott Thoma made a motion to cast a unanimous ballot to elect Grant, Stacy and Eric to these respective positions. A special thanks goes out to these club members for volunteering their services to support the club.
2019-2021 Vice President: Grant Wilson
2019-2021 Treasurer: Stacy Frakes
2019-2021 Board Member: Eric Kappell
9:12 PM., Motion to
adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved.
Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Scott and Mike
Thoma, Eric Kappell, Stu and Patty Hoelzel
The Wolff’s Pack club grooms the trails from Lake Winnebago to the Wiouwash Trail in the Town of Vinland. The club also grooms the Winneconne Wolfrunner’s trail from the Wiouwash to the Winneconne High School.
Sign up for our newsetter for upcoming meetings, events and (coming soon) trail status updates!