Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2017 – Mikeee’s Paynes Point
The meeting was called to order at 7:41 p.m. by VP : Paul Kuehnl.
First order of business:
The March 2017 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo.
Minutes were accepted and unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report (Stacy Frakes)
Please join our club to get a copy of the Treasurer’s Report.
Social / Promotions Committee
Beth Calder agreed to be the new Social Committee chairperson. A special thanks goes out to Beth for accepting this role.
Club Vintage Event:
Official Name as decided by the Vintage Event Committee.
“Fox Valley Winter Expo” sponsored by the Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club
“Generations: Moving Forward While Looking Back” will be our theme for the first year.
The event will feature a vintage ATV/snowmobile show, a swap meet, raffle sales, vendor displays and fun activities for the kids. Paul Kuehnl is still working on creating the Vintage classes that will be judged at the event. Stacy and Paul are interested in pulling together old pictures from the dawn of the Wolff’s Pack club to display in a slideshow at the event. Stacy listed off several potential businesses for us to contact regarding their interest in participating and Paul mentioned that we would try to get the new Miss Snowflake for next year to attend the event and draw our winning raffle tickets.
AWSC Convention Hospitality Suite
Lisa Fochs agreed to be the committee chairperson to run the event which will take place on October 27, 2017 at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton, WI. A special thanks goes out to Lisa for volunteering for this event. The club plans to solicit donations from local businesses to once again offer raffle baskets as well as a Wheelbarrow of Adult Beverages as its own raffle.
Club Raffle
The club plans to sell club raffle tickets at the event with plans to give away the prizes at the Fox Valley Winter Expo. The club has not yet decided what to actually raffle off. Craig Fochs did make a motion to create a raffle budget of $2,500. Joel Vernon seconded and all approved. Stacy Frakes has taken on the responsibility of doing more research into the prizes for this raffle.
County Director’s Report
Mike Thoma attended the AWSC convention that was held the weekend of March 24-26 at the Potawatomi Casino in Milwaukee, WI. It was noted during the meeting that starting this fall the AWSC will start charging for every credit card transaction made with them to register AWSC members. Wolf Pack Snowmobile Club Monthly Meeting Minutes 2016-2017
Trail/Grooming Committee
The club discussed having a Summer Sign Party to refresh all of our sign inventory. Joel Vernon made a motion for the club to get together on Saturday June 3, 2017. Grant Wilson seconded and all approved.
Membership and Safety Committee
Jason Ollanketo does plan to teach another ATV/Snowmobile Class at the Boys and Girls Brigade this December. Jason also plans to put together a Snowmobile Safety display for the Fox Valley Winter Expo.
Old Business
As of March 23, 2017 the Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club is now recognized as a 501c(3) by the State of Wisconsin. The club can now receive tax deductible donations.
AWSC of the year awards
Mike Giese and Mike Thoma still need to provide information to Stephanie Kaul to officially nominate Team Winnebagoland as a Dealer of the Year. The deadline for the application is April 28, 2017.
New Business
Jason Ollanketo made a motion for the club to sell corn at Octoberfest again this year with Jason Ollanketo and Stu Hoelzel to co-chair the event. Stacy Frakes seconded the motion and all approved. The applications for Octoberfest 2017 will be made available at noon on Monday April 24 and spots will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
Elections: Nominations were made and accepted at the March Meeting. There were no new nominations at the April Meeting. Mike Thoma did inform the club that our current bylaws state that an outgoing President will assume one term as a Board Member. As such, there was no election held for the board member position.
Jason Ollanketo made a motion to cast a unanimous ballot for all nominated positions to be elected into office. Lisa Fochs seconded and all approved.
Here are your new Wolff’s Pack officers for the 2017/2018 season.
President: Paul Kuehnl
VP: Grant Wilson
Treasurer: Stacy Frakes
Secretary: Jason Ollanketo
Trail Boss: Mike Giese
Board Member (2 year) Mike Thoma
Board Member: (1 year remaining) Todd Llewellyn
8:27 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved.
Attendance: Jason Ollanketo, Paul Kuehnl, Stu Brazee, Todd Llewellyn, Stacy Frakes, Grant Wilson, Joel Vernon, Brian Reeves, Stu and Patty Hoelzel, Harv Harrison, Rock Suutala, Mike Bresyan, Craig and Lisa Fochs
Mikeee’s Paynes Point Bar and Grill,
County A, Neenah Wi 54956
Next Meeting: Sept 12, 2017
Respectfully Submitted,
Jason Ollanketo
Wolff’s Pack Secretary
The Wolff’s Pack club grooms the trails from Lake Winnebago to the Wiouwash Trail in the Town of Vinland. The club also grooms the Winneconne Wolfrunner’s trail from the Wiouwash to the Winneconne High School.
Sign up for our newsetter for upcoming meetings, events and (coming soon) trail status updates!