Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2019 at Bare Bones Brewery
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl.
First order of business:
The Sept 2019 meeting minutes were read by Brian Reeves.
Two corrections were noted:
The $100 donated to KAOS goes toward a scholarship fund.
The Share balance for last month was increased by 51 cents.
Minutes were accepted and approved with the noted changes.
Treasurer’s Report (Ending 9/30/2019)
Please join the Wolff’s Pack to see a copy of the Treasurer’s Report.
Due to the timing of Octoberfest, most of the Octoberfest expenses showed up in the September Treasurer’s Report. All of the proceeds from Octoberfest will show up in the October Treasurer’s Report. Stacy did make a deposit of over $6,000 from the event proceeds.
Social / Promotions Committee
Fox Valley Winter Expo:
A Fox Valley Winter Expo Committee meeting was planned to be held on Wednesday 10/9 at 7 PM at Grant Wilson’s house.
Club Raffle:
The club discussed a club raffle for this year at the meeting. After a bunch of discussion Mike Thoma made a motion for the club to do a Calendar Raffle for the Month of February, 600 tickets for $10 each with daily drawings for $100 each day of the month. The drawings will be held at the Beehive at 6:00 PM daily. Grant Wilson seconded and all approved. Final details will be coordinated by the raffle committee after reaching agreement with the owner of the Beehive.
County Director’s Report
The AWSC Fall Workshop will be held October 25-27th at the Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton. Mike Giese and Paul Kuehnl are planning to attend. The Winnebago County Alliance discussed the pavement damage complaints from last winter in Winneconne. The Alliance discussed helping out the Winneconne Wolfrunners monetarily in the event that costs become too much to bear for the club. The Drifters mentioned that they may be able to donate some extra snow fence if it is required. Mike Giese reported that the Wisconsin Supplemental Grooming Fund may end up being funded at 100%. This would mean we will get more money from the county by the end of the year.
Trail/Grooming Committee
There will be a number of upcoming Groomer Shed work days over the next two months. The tracked groomer unit has been moved to Paul Kuehnl’s workshop and the new dirt drag is being worked on at the groomer shed. Please watch for emails. Crops are coming off very slowly this year due to the wet conditions and the late start to planting last spring.
Membership and Safety Committee:
The October membership renewals have brought our current renewed roster to 48 members overall. We still have several members that need to renew yet this season. AWSC memberships will now run from July 1st through June 30th.
There will be a Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile/ATV safety class taught at the Boys and Girls Brigade in Neenah.
Dec 11 and Dec 12 from 6 PM till 9 PM and Dec 14, 2019 from 8 AM till 3 PM.
Instructors: Jason Ollanketo and Andy Baus
sign up for the class at www.gowild.com and look for
snowmobile or atv courses in Winnebago County.
Stacy Frakes did say that we can apply for $250 from Thrivent to help
support this event.
Old Business
We had one of our most successful years at Octoberfest selling out of 180 dozen ears of corn by 4:00 PM. Based on this success, Mike Thoma made a motion for us to do Octoberfest again next year. Mike Giese seconded and all approved.
New Business
Building at the Beehive:
The WP board met with the owner of the Beehive as well as the Vinland town board regarding the historic garage that the Beehive has located on their property. This shed was originally used by Sparky Meyers back in the 1960’s as his first garage for selling Arctic Cat snowmobiles. The town granted the Wolff’s Pack an extension through July of next year before the building needs to be moved. Our primary focus right now is to lock down some land in the township to have a place to move the shed for the future
February Club Cookout/Club Ride:
Paul Kuehnl brought up the topic of the club selling hot dogs, coffee and hot chocolate trail side this winter. The thoughts are to do this at the Triangle strip of land where the Wolff’s Pack trail meets up with the Wiouwash. A tentative date would be February 8, 2020 if the trails are open that day. The plan would be to meet there for a few hours in the morning to improve club awareness. Then go for a local club ride that afternoon if conditions allow. This will be a topic at future meetings.
Club 1 year and 5
year goals: The WP board met to discuss an update to our
1 year and 5 year goals.
1 Year Goals:
Maintain our trail system and promote safe trails, Maintain our
equipment, Move the Beehive building and create a higher interest account for
our savings.
5 year Goals:
Increase our average attendance at club meetings, Save up to $40,000 for
any of the following: Updated Equipment,
possible land purchase, possible club house.
8:12 PM, Motion to
adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved.
Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Scott and
Mike Thoma, Eric
Kappell, Brian Reeves, Harvey Harrison, Casey Jost,
The Wolff’s Pack club grooms the trails from Lake Winnebago to the Wiouwash Trail in the Town of Vinland. The club also grooms the Winneconne Wolfrunner’s trail from the Wiouwash to the Winneconne High School.
Sign up for our newsetter for upcoming meetings, events and (coming soon) trail status updates!