Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes
Nov 13, 2018 at the Neenah Hook and Spear Club
The meeting was called to order at 7:44 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl.
First order of business:
The October 2018 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo.Minutes were accepted and approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Please join our club to see a copy of the meeting minutes.
Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved.
Social / Promotions Committee
Fox Valley Winter Expo:
Paul is still looking for sponsors for the event. Stacy brought Expo Posters to the meeting for club members to start getting them posted. Paul is looking for a club member to travel with him to the Vintage show up in Middle Inlet (Close to Crivitz) on Saturday Dec 1st. Paul is looking to promote our vintage event and sell raffle tickets at that show. Paul still needs to get trophies lined up for the event and Stacy has applied for the liquor license for the Expo.
Club Raffle:
Stacy brought 500 printed raffle tickets to the meeting to hand out to club members. Please let us know if you have the ability to sell raffle tickets this year. There will be a $1,500 grand prize and five additional $100 prizes in the $2,000 cash raffle. Tickets are $10 each. Stacy agreed to bring some tickets to Mikeee’s Bar and Paul Kuehnl was going to check to see if the Beehive could sell them.
County Director’s Report
Mike attended the Fall Workshop and County Director’s meeting at Chula Vista Casino in Wisconsin Dells, the last weekend in October. The event was attended by 703 people. The DNR had a Recreational Liaison in attendance who spoke about the importance of snowmobilers participating in DNR surveys such as the Recreation Opportunity Analysis which recently concluded its open public comment period.
Mike also said to keep an eye out for upcoming DNR public comment periods regarding adding additional deer hunting seasons. There are some areas proposing hunts throughout the month of January. Hunts like this could possibly diminish snowmobile trail access across landowner’s property who prefer to use their property for hunting. Next year will be the AWSC’s 50th year. They plan to release a special commemorative Magazine edition for the month of February. The Directors did discuss passing a bylaw change that would allow them to have the annual AWSC membership run from the July 1 – June 30th. This change would require everyone to become an AWSC member on an annual basis and only be eligible to purchase one year of trail passes during a given membership year.
Trail/Grooming Committee
Mike has talked to all of the landowners on our trail for this season. There are still many fields with crops on them. It is now too cold to effectively disk and we are going to have to do a substantial amount of bulldozing this year if any farmers decide to work up their fields. We did get some of the fields disked during the first weekend of November before the latest rains hit. Sections 1, 2 and 3 have already been marked by Mike and his wife and Randy Wolf did an awesome job grading out our new woods trail over the summer months.
Membership and Safety Committee:
43 memberships were submitted to the AWSC on November 1st. An additional 8 memberships will be submitted in mid-November.
Jason Ollanketo will be teaching an ATV/Snowmobile safety class at the Boys and Girls Brigade in Neenah on the following dates: Dec 4 from 6 till 9 PM, Dec 6 from 6 till 9 PM and on Dec 8 from 8 AM till 3 PM. Registration materials will be handed out at the brigade on Tuesday Nov 27th to give students a chance to study ahead.
Old Business
Club Destination Ride:
Weekend of January 25 at the Americinn in Minocqua, WI.Grant Wilson has blocked a group of rooms at the Americinn in Minocqua. The cost of the rooms will be $109 per night. Call the hotel directly to reserve a room at 715-356-3730 and state that you are with the Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club. Reservations need to be made by January 1st, at which point the block of rooms will be released and you will have to pay the full room price of $159/night. A full weekend itinerary is in the works and will be published at a later date.
New Business
The group had some discussions regarding the merit of becoming a Snowmobile/ATV club. Future board discussions will need to take place on this topic prior to bringing anything to the general meeting.
There were some brief discussions regarding having the board review options to open up some type of CD or higher yielding savings account and there will also be future discussions regarding getting more business signs on our snowmobile trail.
8:56 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved.
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting MinutesDecember...
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting MinutesNovember...
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes October...
The Wolff’s Pack club grooms the trails from Lake Winnebago to the Wiouwash Trail in the Town of Vinland. The club also grooms the Winneconne Wolfrunner’s trail from the Wiouwash to the Winneconne High School.
Sign up for our newsetter for upcoming meetings, events and (coming soon) trail status updates!