Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes
Jan 9, 2018 – Mikeee’s Paynes Point Bar and Grill
The meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl.
First order of business:
The Dec 2017 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo.
Minutes were accepted and approved.
Treasurer’s Report (Ending 12/30/17)
Please join our club to get a copy of the Treasurer’s report.
Social / Promotions Committee
Club Vintage Event:
The first Annual Fox Valley Winter Expo was held at the Sunnyview Expo Center on Jan 6, 2018. It was a great first year for our club and all told it looks like we cleared between $600 and $800 overall for the event.
We had 82 entries into our Vintage sled and cutter event including a bunch of very nice looking 3 wheelers. The food staff stayed busy all day and sold us out of hot cocoa, hot dogs, nachos and chile. We gave away two free helmets during the event and had a coloring contest and UTV rides for the kids. A special thanks goes out to the wonderful donation of a Riesterer and Schnell, John Deere Gator, with heat and a full cab. We closed out the event with a Vintage Power Parade around the back 40 at the fair grounds and gave away first and second place awards in each class. We had a very limited swap turnout this year, but the 15 below zero temps to start the day probably didn’t help.
Lessons learned for the event: Next year we want to have donuts in the morning. We will look into having higher quality food at slightly higher prices. We will also look into getting more sponsorships and possibly more media coverage for next year. We do have a bunch of really cool pictures and videos that will help get the word out for next year.
Club Raffle
We did draw our Cash raffle winners at 3 PM at the event. All told it looks like we made approximately $289 profit overall for this year’s raffle. We sold at least 90 tickets at the expo event that helped put us over the top. The board will review the overall status and provide recommendations for future club raffle plans. The Raffle winners were as follows.
$2,000 Grand Prize: Nathan Ollanketo
QTY 5 – $100 Prizes:
Robert Champion
Sherry Brazee
Harvey Harrison
Randy Gehrt
Mike Pollack
County Director’s Report
The Winnebago County Alliance is working on getting all of the funded trails in Winnebago County mapped with a GPS unit that was purchased by the Alliance.
Trail/Grooming Committee
The trails are ready for snow. Now that Expo is behind us, Mike Giese will be planning an event to get the trees cut down and removed from our future trail through Wolff’s Woods. Mike plans to bring in a smaller crew to drop the trees and then a second day will be needed to pull the trees out of the woods to Randy’s wood pile. As of the publishing of these minutes, the trees have been cut and Mike Giese and Mike Bresnyan have the big trees cleared from the woods.
Membership and Safety Committee:
The club sent in 6 new memberships to the AWSC on December 20, 2017 including our very first commercial membership to Katie Coppersmith State Farm Insurance. The club also sent in for four additional memberships on Jan 12, 2018. The club currently has 59 active memberships on our roster.
Old Business
Wolff’s Pack Destination Club Ride
Grant Wilson has tabled this activity until next season. Please let Grant know if you have any ideas for a potential club ride in the future.
New Business
Mike Giese mentioned that the club should start thinking about a future upgrade to the bridge in Wolff’s woods. This is not an immediate project need as this bridge is more than adequate for our current grooming equipment. Mike also talked about the club planning to add some rafter storage in the shed that we rent from him at some point in the future.
8:18 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved.
Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Todd Llewellyn, Stu Brazee,
Stu Hoelzel, Harvey Harrison,, Brian Reeves, Mike Bresnyan
The Wolff’s Pack club grooms the trails from Lake Winnebago to the Wiouwash Trail in the Town of Vinland. The club also grooms the Winneconne Wolfrunner’s trail from the Wiouwash to the Winneconne High School.
Sign up for our newsetter for upcoming meetings, events and (coming soon) trail status updates!