Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes
Dec 13, 2016 – Mikeee’s Paynes Point
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Mike Thoma.
First order of business:
Nov 2016 meeting minutes were read by Mike Thoma.
Minutes were unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Please join our club to get a copy of the Treasurer’s Report.
Social / Promotions Committee
No updates. We are still looking for club members to have more involvement on this committee.
County Director’s Report
Mike Giese updated the club with information from his latest activity as a member of the AWSC legislative committee. The AWSC met with their new lobbyist in Madison. They will be working with the state legislature to start working on key funding changes for club reimbursement. They are looking to raise labor and groomer rates for club billing. They are also working to increase the allowable funds per mile of trail from the current $250/mile to a possible $300/mile for funded snowmobile trail. The Blue Mound Parks lawsuit is still a topic with the AWSC and Mike has asked that everyone offer their comments to support snowmobiling in Blue Mound State park. Watch for emails on this topic.
Trail/Grooming Committee
The trail marking is complete. We did have to get Eckstein to do some bulldozing in a couple of spots on the trail and the corn was very late coming off on one of our fields. As of the meeting there was still a small amount of electrical work to complete on the groomer, but that has been addressed at this time.
Safety Committee
Jason Ollanketo and Paul Villwock from the Sno-Pioneers club are teaching a Snowmobile/ ATV safety class on Dec 14, 16 and 17 at the Boys and Girls Brigade in Neenah.
Old Business
501c3: The 501c3 process is still progressing nicely. Stacy is continuing to follow up with Epiphany Law Offices and is handling any and all topics related to completing this work.
Club Raffle:
Raffle tickets are printed and are available for sale. Please see Stacy if you are able to help sell these tickets. The tickets are also available for sale at Mikeee’s, Vinland Still and Grill and the Beehive. Please note that our drawing will be held at the January Breakfast meeting on Saturday January 14. Wolf Pack Snowmobile Club Monthly Meeting Minutes 2010-2011
New Business
The Wolff’s Pack club website is still not operational. Jason Ollanketo was able to transfer the domain names from our previous vendor, Nightlight Consulting. All of the website information is now under our control at HostGator.com. At this time, the former Wolff’s Pack site has been infected by malware and we need to recreate the site from scratch. Jason is working with Hostgator to get a quote to “Clone” the WCSA website to serve as a base for a new Wolff’s Pack website. After some discussion, Mike Thoma made a motion to allow Jason to spend up to $300 with Hostgator to help expedite the process of getting the Wolff’s Pack site back online. Paul Kuehnl seconded and all approved.
Groomer Shed Tools:
After some discussion on the topic, Joel Vernon made a motion to spend up to $300 on tools for working on the groomer equipment. Todd Llewellyn seconded and all approved. Once the club achieves its 501c3 status, Mike Giese plans to donate a toolbox to help store the new tools.
Groomer Electrical Dash updates:
Jason Ollanketo worked with Todd Llewellyn and an Oshkosh Corp electrical engineer to help install a new fuse panel and revised electrical in the groomer. This work cleaned up the wiring in the dash and has eliminated a recurring key switch failure that has plagued the groomer over the last couple of years. Paul Kuehnl made a motion for the club to pay the Electrical engineer $100 for his professional services, Mike Giese seconded and all approved. An attachment of our new fuse panel wiring will be attached with the minutes.
A $40 tab was opened to serve pizza at the meeting.
8:20 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved.
Attendance: Jason Ollanketo, Mike and Scott Thoma, Paul Kuehnl, Mike Giese, Joel Vernon, Stu Brazee, Todd Llewellyn, Eric Kaul, Stacy and Dave Frakes, Brian Reeves, Harv Harrison, Mike Bresnyan, Scott and Teri Johnson, Grant Wilson, Craig and Lisa Fochs, Rob Hackborth
The Wolff’s Pack club grooms the trails from Lake Winnebago to the Wiouwash Trail in the Town of Vinland. The club also grooms the Winneconne Wolfrunner’s trail from the Wiouwash to the Winneconne High School.
Sign up for our newsetter for upcoming meetings, events and (coming soon) trail status updates!