Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes Oct 9, 2018 at the Neenah Hook and Spear Club The meeting was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl. First order of business: The September 2018 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo Minutes were accepted and approved. Treasurer’s Report Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved. Please join our club to get a copy of the Treasurer’s Report. Social / Promotions Committee Fox Valley Winter Expo: Paul and Stacy have been having meetings to prepare for the Fox Valley Winter Expo. Grant Wilson agreed to chair a basket raffle for the event. Club Raffle: The board met before the meeting and agreed to two different raffle ideas both totaling $2,000. The raffle would be drawn at the closing ceremony at the Fox Valley Winter Expo on Saturday, January 5. In the event, that Grant Wilson could get a snowblower donated by Ariens, we would offer the following prizes: 1) Snowblower, 2) $1,000 cash, 3) $500 cash, 4-5) $100. If a snowblower is not available, the board agreed on the following cash payouts: A $1,500 first prize and five $100 winners. Grant was going to research a snowblower and Stacy was going to get tickets printed depending on Grant’s success. County Director’s Report Mike is planning on attending the Fall Workshop and County Director’s meeting at Chula Vista Casino in Wisconsin Dells. The event will be held October 26-28. Trail/Grooming Committee Most of the crops are all still in the fields. Mike will start talking to landowners in the next few weeks. It has been a very wet fall and hopefully we will get a chance to do some disking before everything freezes in. Membership and Safety Committee: Jason Ollanketo will be teaching another ATV/Snowmobile safety class in December. As of the meeting there were 27 members who have paid for the 2018-2019 club membership. Old Business Octoberfest: We had another great year at Octoberfest. It was a little on the chilly side and there was a definite drop off in customers from 3:00 on. According to our numbers we sold around 175 dozen ears of corn at the event. We ended up netting around $3,700 total from the event. Our treasurer will have updated totals at our next meeting. A special thanks goes out to all of the club members who helped make this event another great success. The following club members did an awesome job supporting the event this year: Mark, Michele and Marissa Covill, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Harv Harrison and his neighbors, Stu and Patty Hoelzel, Todd and Erica Llewellyn, Craig Mueller, Jason, Nathan and Avery Ollanketo, Brian Reeves, Cody Schwartz, Tom Spierowski, Mike and Scott Thoma. Club Destination Ride: There have not been any dates scheduled yet for a club ride this year. There may still be an opportunity for some club members to go the 4 Season’s resort in Cable this winter. The board also narrowed down a possible weekend trip in the Minocqua area. This area was chosen over the Mountain Area due to past year’s availability of snow. New Business The Neenah Hook and Spear club will be looking for help this year at their annual winter event on the lake. We are hoping to get some of our club members to assist in those activities. More information to come in future meetings. Grant Wilson was the winner of this year’s free club membership. The drawing was open to all 27 club members who paid for the membership prior to the meeting. 8:22 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved. Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Todd Llewellyn, Harvey Harrison, Stu Hoelzel, , Mike Bresnyan, Sean Neitzel
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes Sept 11, 2018 at the Neenah Hook and Spear Club The meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl. First order of business: The April 2018 meeting minutes were read by Paul Kuehnl Minutes were accepted and approved. Treasurer’s Report (Ending 8/31/2018) Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved. Please join our club to get a copy of the Treasurer’s Report. Social / Promotions Committee Club Vintage Event and Club Raffle: The Sunny view Expo Center has been reserved for Jan 5, 2019 for our second annual Fox Valley Winter Expo. The club did discuss reviewing options for a club raffle with the winning tickets to be drawn at the event. The board will present raffle options to the club at the October meeting. County Director’s Report Mike Giese attended the Summer Director’s meeting and reviewed the following topics. The AWSC will now be charging credit card fee transactions for trail pass purchases made online. The AWSC discussed a review of the annual membership fees. The rates have not been raised since 2003 when they went from $6 to $10. There are no active plans to increase rates at this time. The AWSC discussed going from two big public meetings a year to just one. Right now, they have the October workshop and then the Annual meeting in March. This would require a bylaw change before it could be done. The Blue Mound trail access issue is still in the court system. Please try to submit comments on this topic if the AWSC requests the help. The AWSC discussed making their membership follow a calendar much like sled registrations. This would be considered to only allow the purchase of WI trail passes one time during an active membership from July 1-June 30th. There is currently a loophole that allows people to buy 2 years of trail passes on one year of an AWSC membership. Mike wanted to inform you that if you buy a new sled from a dealer during the year, that it would be faster to send in the new registration yourself rather than wait for your dealer to send in the information, unless you want to buy a full price trail pass instead. Trail/Grooming Committee The crops are all still in the fields. Mike will start talking to landowners in the next few weeks. There will be a reroute this year on the west side of the GG/41 overpass. Mike is still finalizing the details as to where the new trail will route. There will be a groomer shed work day on October 13, 2018 from 8 till noon. Meet at the groomer shed. More details to follow at the next meeting. Membership and Safety Committee: Jason Ollanketo will be teaching another ATV/Snowmobile safety class in December. There are currently 60 active club memberships and 1 commercial membership for the Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club. The club took in 15 memberships for the 2018/2019 season at the meeting. Old Business No Old business. New Business Octoberfest update: The club will be selling corn again this year on Sept 29th at Octoberfest in the same booth as the last few years. We will be looking to sell between 150 and 175 dozen ears of corn depending on the weather forecast for the day. Please expect a call from the Octoberfest chairs to lock down volunteer support for the event. Stacy Frakes made a motion for the club to purchase a 2019 AWSC raffle for $100. Todd Llewellyn seconded and all approved. The top prize is $10,000 in cash. Club Destination Ride: Mike Giese and Mike Thoma won a 4 night stay at the 4 Season’s resort in Cable. They will be doing some research to see if we can plan a club ride around that hotel’s availability this winter. The Minocqua area and Marinette County are two other possible destinations. More details to be presented at the next club meeting. Right now, the last weekend in January seems to be a possible date. Wolff’s Pack Annual Budget: VP Grant Wilson presented a new Annual budget based on past expenditures throughout the year. The club discussed the budget which helps outline our expenses and our income throughout our fiscal year. Mike Bresnyan made a motion to pass the budget and Stu Hoelzel seconded. A copy of the annual budget is available upon request to any club member. 8:27 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved. Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Dave and Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Todd Llewellyn, Mike and Scott Thoma, Harvey Harrison, Stu and Patty Hoelzel, Dan Cowling, Brian Frisch, Michelle Covill, Mike Bresnyan, Brian Reeves
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes April 10, 2018 –Mikeee’s Paynes Point The meeting was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl. First order of business: The March 2018 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo Minutes were modified, accepted and approved. We made $991.05 instead of $1,287.05 at the Fox Valley Winter Expo. Stacy will be meeting with Thrivent not “the bank” to discuss savings opportunities. Treasurer’s Report (Ending 3/31/2018) Please join our club to get a copy of the Treasurer’s Report. Social / Promotions Committee Club Vintage Event and Club Raffle: No Updates. County Director’s Report The Winnebago County Alliance has finished GPS’ing all of the funded trails in Winnebago County. A new map will be printed this fall for the next two years and will feature actual GPS tracks for the trails that have been mapped. The AWSC had their annual meeting. Mike Giese reported that the AWSC may be increasing their membership rates in the future to help offset the costs of lawsuits from groups that are trying to close trails across the state. The AWSC has not had a rate increase since 2001. The AWSC will also start implementing a credit card fee for people purchasing trail passes from them to help offset the administrative costs. Trail/Grooming Committee Most of the trail signs had been picked up as of the April 10th meeting. A few frozen in signs were still left to remove. Membership and Safety Committee: Jason Ollanketo attended a DNR instructor recertification class in March. He is now certified for the next three years and does intend to teach another safety class in December 2018 for ATV and Snowmobile. Old Business Mike Giese will be planning a future work date to add some rafter storage and to organize the Wolff’s Pack Toolbox. Look for emails in the future. Stacy Frakes met with Thrivent to discuss savings opportunities. Future options to be discussed. Todd Llewellyn accepted Mike Giese’s March nomination to run for Board Member. Paul Kuehnl spoke with the Vinland Fire Department to see if they have any pressing fund raising needs at this time. The fire department did not have any immediate needs, but they will let the club know in the future if they are looking for donations. Bylaws Updates: The updates to the club’s bylaws that were presented at the March meeting were discussed. Patty Hoelzel made a motion to accept the new bylaw’s. Todd Llewellyn seconded and all approved. A copy of the new bylaw’s will be emailed to every member of the club. The bylaw changes are highlighted here. Key updates: President, Secretary and Trail Boss elections for this year be a two year term. The Vice President and Treasurer roles will be a one year election this year and a two year election next year and so on in the future. Some minor updates will be made to consider the September meeting as the annual meeting to better reflect our fiscal year from Sept 1 through Aug 31. New Business Paul Kuehnl made a motion to pay Harvey Harrison for 2017 and 2018 maple syrup that is used to hand out to landowners on our trail. Mike Giese seconded, all approved. This was done to make sure that we had syrup available before Harv was sold out. The club agreed to move ahead with Octoberfest 2018. The application was submitted online the beginning of April and the club has locked down our same position on College Avenue for the upcoming venue. VP-Grant Wilson discussed his plans to roll out a Wolff’s Pack Budget for the upcoming 2018-2019 season. The budget will be reviewed and voted on at the September Annual Meeting. Elections: There was a single nomination for all of the open positions for officers and board members. Jason Ollanketo made a motion to cast a unanimous ballot for the President, Trail Boss, Secretary and 2 year Board Member positions for a 2 year term. Todd Llewellyn seconded and all approved. Mike Giese made a motion for a unaminous ballot for the Vice President and the Treasurer for a one year term. Patty Hoelzel seconded and all approved. 2018-2020 Officers 2018-2019 Officers President: Paul Kuehnl Vice President: Grant Wilson Trail Boss: Mike Giese Treasurer: Stacy Frakes Secretary: Jason Ollanketo Board: Mike Thoma (Second year of 2 year term) Board: Todd Llewellyn 8:19 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved. Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Brian Reeves, Todd Llewellyn, Harvey Harrison, Stu and Patty Hoelzel
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes Mar 13, 2018 –Mikeee’s Paynes Point The meeting was called to order at 7:39 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl. First order of business: The Feb 2018 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo Minutes were accepted and approved. Treasurer’s Report (Ending 2/28/2018) Please join our club to get a copy of the Treasurer’s Report. Social / Promotions Committee Club Vintage Event: A deposit has been placed to reserve the Sunnyview Expo Center for the Annual Fox Valley Winter Expo on Saturday January 5, 2019. We ended up making $991.05 overall on the Fox Valley Winter Expo. A special thanks goes out to all the sponsors of the event that really made that happen: Beehive Bar and Grill, State Farm Ins.-Josh Carter, Turf Works LLC, Team Winnebagoland, CR Fochs LLC, Schwartz and Shea, Diedrich Agency and State Farm Ins.-Katie Coppersmith who also donated a helmet for our kids raffle. Club Raffle No discussions this month. County Director’s Report The Winnebago County Alliance continues to work on GPSing the remaining funded trails within Winnebago County. These GPS tracks will be used on next year’s County map printing. The annual AWSC convention will be held from March 23-25 at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center in Green Bay, WI. Mike Giese and Jason Ollanketo plan to attend the meeting on Saturday on behalf of the Winnebago County Alliance. Trail/Grooming Committee The trails have not opened at all this year. Mike Giese was featured on the Channel 2 news to discuss the impact of low snow winters on the local economy. Membership and Safety Committee: As of March 9, 2018, there have been 14 snowmobile deaths in Wisconsin since the start of the 2017/2018 season. Please ride safe. Old Business Wolff’s Pack Groomer Shed work day Mike Giese will be planning a future work date to add some rafter storage and to organize the Wolff’s Pack Toolbox. Look for emails sometime in April. Stacy Frakes will be meeting with Thrivent to discuss savings opportunities at the end of March. Scott Thoma made a motion to donate $100 to next year’s annual Eagle River Military Ride. Mike Bresnyan seconded and all approved. Paul Kuehnl agreed to find out from the Vinland Fire Department if they have any pressing fund raising needs at this time. The club will consider making a donation to the Fire Department pending this information. The club has decided to table any discussions regarding a club trail or lake ride until next season. The Board made a decision that the club will have next year’s meetings at the Hook and Spear Club in Neenah. We believe that a relationship with that club will be mutually beneficial to both groups. The April Meeting this year will still be held at Mikeee’s Paynes Point Bar and Grill. New Business Nominations: Several nominations were made and accepted for the upcoming April elections. Paul Kuehnl accepted a nomination for President. Grant Wilson accepted a nomination for Vice President. Mike Giese accepted a nomination for Trail Boss. Stacy Frakes accepted a nomination for Treasurer. Jason Ollanketo accepted a nomination for Secretary. Todd Llewellyn was nominated for Board member, but he was not present to accept the nomination. More nominations will be accepted at the April 10th meeting. Bylaws The board met before the meeting to discuss making some updates to the club’s bylaws. These updates will be presented at the April meeting prior to elections. Key updates to consider: The board would like to make elections of officers for two year terms at alternating years to avoid having a complete turnover of the board in any one season. The proposal is for the President, Secretary and Trail Boss elections for this year be a two year term. The Vice President and Treasurer roles will be a one year election this year and a two year election next year and so on in the future. Some minor updates will be made to consider the September meeting as the annual meeting to better reflect our fiscal year from Sept 1 through Aug 31. Clarification of the Vice President’s role within the club. Further clarification of the Annual budget and goals will also be discussed.8:21 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved. Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Mike Bresnyan, Scott Thoma, Harvey Harrison, Stu and Patty Hoelzel
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes Feb 9, 2018 –Vinland Still and Grill The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl. First order of business: The Jan 2017 meeting minutes were read by Mike Giese. Minutes were accepted and approved. Treasurer’s Report (Ending 1/31/2018) Please join our club to get a copy of the Treasurer’s Report Social / Promotions Committee Club Vintage Event: The club will plan to do the Wolff’s Pack Fox Valley Winter Expo again next year. President, Paul Kuehnl will put down an initial deposit to hold the venue for the first Saturday in January 2019. Club Raffle The club will most likely do a raffle again in the future. However, discussions are being tabled for now until the board can put together recommendations for our next raffle. County Director’s Report The Winnebago County Alliance is working on getting all of the funded trails in Winnebago County mapped with a GPS unit that was purchased by the Alliance. At the time of the publishing of these minutes, almost all of the funded trails in the county have been GPS mapped. Trail/Grooming Committee The trails have not opened at all this year. The groomer is ready to go in the groomer shed. Randy Wolff will be using his CAT this summer to remove the stumps from our new trail that routes through the woods by his place. At this time, the trees have been cut down and moved out of the way. Future club work will be needed to finalize this new route. Membership and Safety Committee: The club took in two more memberships since the last meeting. As of February 19, there have been 13 snowmobile deaths in Wisconsin since the start of the 2017/2018 season. Please ride safe. Old Business Wolff’s Pack Groomer Shed work day Mike Giese will be planning a future work date to add some rafter storage and to organize the Wolff’s Pack Toolbox. This most likely won’t happen until “Mud” season once the snowmobile season is officially over in the Midwest. Grant Wilson is going to head up a bridge committee to evaluate the strength of the current bridge in Wolff’s woods and make future recommendations, in the event, that we plan to drive a tractor over the bridge at some point in the future. New Business Stacy Frakes is going to review savings account opportunities for the club that may have better interest. The club discussed making a donation to the annual Eagle River Military Ride as well as the Vinland Fire Dept. More discussion to follow at the next meeting. Paul Kuehnl discussed the opportunity of having a potential club ride day in the area next winter. Having the ride on Lake Winnebago will also be considered if the trails are not open. The Board is working on planning events and will bring more information of future recommendations to our April Election meeting. The board is also reviewing our club meeting location for next year. The March and April meetings will be held at Mikeee’s Paynes Point. Next year’s meetings may move to a new location to be discussed in more detail pending a Board recommendation. Mike Giese brought up the topic of calling our new bridge crossing, “Stu’s Crossing” in honor of the passing of our long time club member, Stu Brazee. 8:34 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved. Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Todd Llewellyn, Mike Bresnyan, Scott Thoma, Dennis Kotloski
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes Jan 9, 2018 – Mikeee’s Paynes Point Bar and Grill The meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl. First order of business: The Dec 2017 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo. Minutes were accepted and approved. Treasurer’s Report (Ending 12/30/17) Please join our club to get a copy of the Treasurer’s report. Social / Promotions Committee Club Vintage Event: The first Annual Fox Valley Winter Expo was held at the Sunnyview Expo Center on Jan 6, 2018. It was a great first year for our club and all told it looks like we cleared between $600 and $800 overall for the event. We had 82 entries into our Vintage sled and cutter event including a bunch of very nice looking 3 wheelers. The food staff stayed busy all day and sold us out of hot cocoa, hot dogs, nachos and chile. We gave away two free helmets during the event and had a coloring contest and UTV rides for the kids. A special thanks goes out to the wonderful donation of a Riesterer and Schnell, John Deere Gator, with heat and a full cab. We closed out the event with a Vintage Power Parade around the back 40 at the fair grounds and gave away first and second place awards in each class. We had a very limited swap turnout this year, but the 15 below zero temps to start the day probably didn’t help. Lessons learned for the event: Next year we want to have donuts in the morning. We will look into having higher quality food at slightly higher prices. We will also look into getting more sponsorships and possibly more media coverage for next year. We do have a bunch of really cool pictures and videos that will help get the word out for next year. Club Raffle We did draw our Cash raffle winners at 3 PM at the event. All told it looks like we made approximately $289 profit overall for this year’s raffle. We sold at least 90 tickets at the expo event that helped put us over the top. The board will review the overall status and provide recommendations for future club raffle plans. The Raffle winners were as follows. $2,000 Grand Prize: Nathan Ollanketo QTY 5 – $100 Prizes: Robert Champion Sherry Brazee Harvey Harrison Randy Gehrt Mike Pollack County Director’s Report The Winnebago County Alliance is working on getting all of the funded trails in Winnebago County mapped with a GPS unit that was purchased by the Alliance. Trail/Grooming Committee The trails are ready for snow. Now that Expo is behind us, Mike Giese will be planning an event to get the trees cut down and removed from our future trail through Wolff’s Woods. Mike plans to bring in a smaller crew to drop the trees and then a second day will be needed to pull the trees out of the woods to Randy’s wood pile. As of the publishing of these minutes, the trees have been cut and Mike Giese and Mike Bresnyan have the big trees cleared from the woods. Membership and Safety Committee: The club sent in 6 new memberships to the AWSC on December 20, 2017 including our very first commercial membership to Katie Coppersmith State Farm Insurance. The club also sent in for four additional memberships on Jan 12, 2018. The club currently has 59 active memberships on our roster. Old Business Wolff’s Pack Destination Club Ride Grant Wilson has tabled this activity until next season. Please let Grant know if you have any ideas for a potential club ride in the future. New Business Mike Giese mentioned that the club should start thinking about a future upgrade to the bridge in Wolff’s woods. This is not an immediate project need as this bridge is more than adequate for our current grooming equipment. Mike also talked about the club planning to add some rafter storage in the shed that we rent from him at some point in the future. 8:18 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved. Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Todd Llewellyn, Stu Brazee, Stu Hoelzel, Harvey Harrison,, Brian Reeves, Mike Bresnyan
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes Dec 12, 2017 – Dave and Stacy Frakes Garage The meeting was called to order at 7:53 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl. First order of business: The Nov 2017 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo. Minutes were accepted and approved. Treasurer’s Report (Ending 11/30/17) Please join our club to get a copy of the Treasurer’s Report. Social / Promotions Committee Club Vintage Event: Stacy Frakes and Paul Kuehnl continue to work to get sponsors and vendors signed up for the event. There will be a safety display inside with a coloring contest and outside UTV Rides for the kids. Riesterer and Schnell will be donating one or two UTV’s for us to use throughout the day and they also donated a helmet and a childs toy for us to give away. Paul has all of the classes picked out and will have all of the trophies ready on the big day. Grant Wilson has a “Kwik Trip size” hotdog roller that can be used on the day of the event. Please let us know if you are interested in signing up to help with one of our four committees. Vintage Show and judging: Chair: Paul Kuehnl. Raffles: Cash Raffle tickets and 50/50 raffles throughout the event: Chair: Stacy Frakes Food and Beverages: Chair: Mike Thoma Kid’s Activities and Safety. Chair: Jason Ollanketo Club Raffle Hopefully everyone is out selling raffle tickets. All unsold tickets need to be returned to Paul or Stacy or brought to the Fox Valley Winter Expo for last minute sale at the event. The drawing will be at 3:00 to close out the festivities. County Director’s Report Mike Giese reported on the status of getting SNARS setup at the county level. At this point, the county has completed their tasks. Many of the clubs within the county have not yet completed their portion of the signup. Mike also mentioned that with the new SNARS reporting system, the county will only be providing one check for club reimbursement at the end of the winter season. Trail/Grooming Committee The trails are ready for snow. The new culvert has been installed on Gary Wiese’s land and we had a great turnout at our annual marking day and finished all remaining tasks. Mike did bring up the idea of honoring some of our past landowners with memorial signs along our trail route. This topic will be reviewed more at a future date. Membership and Safety Committee: The club sent in 12 new memberships to the AWSC on December 2, 2017. If you have not renewed your membership please do so before January 1st if possible as that will be the next time we send in applications. Jason Ollanketo and Paul Villwock of the Sno-Pioneers taught an ATV/Snowmobile class at the Boys and Girls Brigade in December. The class had 21 graduates for Snow safety and 19 graduates for ATV safety. Old Business Wolff’s Pack Destination Club Ride Grant Wilson is still working on coming up with proposals for this event. Please let us know if you have any recommendations. New Business Stacy mentioned that for some reason she found that we had two different federal tax id numbers. She will be using only one of these numbers in the future. 9:05 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved. Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Dave and Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Shane Zemlock, Stu Hoelzel, Harvey Harrison,, Scott Thoma, Mike Bresnyan
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes Nov 14, 2017 – Mikeee’s Paynes Point The meeting was called to order at 7:42 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl. First order of business: The Oct 2017 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo. Minutes were accepted and approved. Treasurer’s Report (Ending 10/30/17) Please join our club to get a copy of the Treasurer’s report. Social / Promotions Committee Club Vintage Event: Stacy Frakes and Paul Kuehnl continue to work to get sponsors and vendors signed up for the event. We are still looking for about $1,000 more in sponsorships. Bud Light will be sponsoring the event and posters should be available by the end of next week. Miss Rural Winnebago will be attending our event and handing out trophies during the awards ceremony. Paul handed out a volunteer signup sheet with four main categories that will require support. Vintage Show and judging: Chair: Paul Kuehnl. Raffles: Cash Raffle tickets and 50/50 raffles throughout the event: Chair: Stacy Frakes Food and Beverages: Chair: Mike Thoma Kid’s Activities and Safety. Chair: Jason Ollanketo Club Raffle Stacy brought cash raffle tickets to the meeting and asked that everyone who was present take 10 tickets to try to sell by the next meeting. Please contact Stacy if you would like some tickets to sell. The drawing for the $2,000 top prize and 5-$100 prizes will be held at our Fox Valley Winter Expo event on January 6, 2018. County Director’s Report Mike Giese reported on the AWSC Directors mtg. There were a total of 504 registered attendees. Gary Eddy from the DNR spoke at the meeting. He discussed the shortage of DNR wardens throughout the state and the DNR’s effort to fill the vacant positions. The Blue Mound access lawsuit is still in the court systems and everyone is reminded to be ready to send in comments should the AWSC request our support this winter. There are new bridge requirements for state snowmobile trails including a minimum 12 foot width and a 25,000 lb capacity to reflect the usage of larger grooming equipment. As of 10-25-2017 there were 36,560 AWSC members and 1,065 commercial members throughout the state. Trail/Grooming Committee Mike Giese has disked every field that can be disked at this point. So far he has billed out $1,025 towards disking. There are still some fields with corn on them. At this point, if the farmers do decide to work up the fields we will most likely have to pay to have them bull dozed. Our lake access route has changed ownership and could result in a re-route that is yet to be decided. Mike Giese, Stu Brazee and Jason Ollanketo marked trail for about 4 hours on November 11. We completed Section 8 and marked portions of Sections: 4, 6, 9 and 10. Please mark your calendars for December 2, 2017 as our club marking day. We will be meeting at the barn starting at 8 AM. Membership and Safety Committee: The club sent in 38 memberships to the AWSC on November 2, 2017. If you have not renewed your membership please do so before December 1st if possible as that will be the next time we send in applications. Jason Ollanketo and Paul Villwock of the Sno-Pioneers will be teaching an ATV/Snowmobile class at the Boys and Girls Brigade in December. The dates and times for the class are as follows. Students must attend all three dates to graduate. Wed Dec 6: 5:30 PM – 9 PM Fri Dec 8: 6 PM – 9 PM Sat Dec 9: 8 AM – 3 PM Please visit the DNR GO Wild website to pre-register for the class. Old Business AWSC Convention Hospitality Suite The club had an excellent night at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel, netting over $2,000 in profits. We had about a dozen well put together raffle baskets including a chainsaw donated by Craig and Lisa Fochs. We also had a snowblower donated by Ariens Corporation and a wheel barrow of booze that once again proved to be a big hit. A special thanks goes out to everyone who donated items and volunteered their time to support our club. The AWSC convention will be back in Appleton in October 2019 and October 2020. Wolff’s Pack Destination Club Ride Grant Wilson is still working on coming up with proposals for this event. Please let us know if you have any recommendations. New Business Board Meeting: The WP Board did meet before the general meeting to discuss future goals for the club. The board plans to have a few more meetings before bringing their future recommendations to the general meeting. Club activities: The club will be installing a culvert on Gary Wiese’s private land to improve a rough ditch crossing. The 16 foot long, 36” squashed culvert was on display at the meeting and will hopefully get installed on or before our marking weekend. Mike Giese also discussed our new future trail route through the woods by Wolff’s Bridge. The trail will not be available yet for this season. Plan for a tree brushing day sometime in January or February to help open up this new route. 8:35 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved. Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Beth Calder, Todd Llewellyn Stu and Patty Hoelzel, Harvey Harrison,, Scott Thoma, Stu Brazee, Brian Reeves, Mike Bresnyan
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes Oct 10, 2017 – Mikeee’s Paynes Point The meeting was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by Pres : Paul Kuehnl. First order of business: The Sept 2017 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo. Minutes were accepted and approved with the following amendment. Last month the club received a $500 donation from the Murial Kuehnl Memorial Fund. Treasurer’s Report (Ending 9/30/17) Please join our club to see a copy of the Treasurer’s report. Social / Promotions Committee Club Vintage Event: Stacy Frakes and Paul Kuehnl continue to work to get sponsors and vendors signed up for the event. More information will be available at the next meeting. AWSC Convention Hospitality Suite The club spent some time discussing this topic. Stacy drafted a donation letter for people to hand out and she planned to email it to the club after the meeting. Stacy volunteered to store the raffle baskets and donations at her house. A small group plans to meet at Stacy’s at 3:00 on the day of the event. Anyone else who wants to attend should contact Paul Kuehnl and plan to meet at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel at 4 pm or later as your schedule allows. The event will probably go until midnight with cleanup after. Club Raffle Stacy brought cash raffle tickets to the meeting and has advertising posters available. These tickets will be sold at the Hospitality Suite and will be available to any club members at our next meeting. The drawing for the $2,000 top prize and 5-$100 prizes will be held at our Fox Valley Winter Expo event on January 6, 2018. County Director’s Report Mike Giese reported on the upcoming AWSC workshop. Levi Lavallee will be a keynote speaker at the event on Saturday Oct 28. The new Miss Snowflake will also be crowned at the event. Mike also reported that the Wisconsin Legislature has passed Assembly Bill 180. This new bill accomplishes the following changes regarding snowmobile trail funding. Trail mileage funding increases from $250/mile up to a maximum $300/mile. Clubs that exceed $200/mile for grooming expenses and $300/mile for all expenses will be eligible for supplemental funding. The sunset clause for the trail pass stickers was removed. They are now permanent state law. There will be additional changes forthcoming including higher labor rates for workers (from $6.50/hr to $8/hr) and higher equipment billing rates. Trail/Grooming Committee No discing has been done as of the October meeting. Most of the soybeans have been harvested and farmers have started working up their fields. Mike plans to start discing before the next meeting. There were a number of landowner deaths this year. This will create extra work for our trail boss and he may have to negotiate with new landowners along our trail route. Membership and Safety Committee: Jason Ollanketo will be teaching an ATV/Snowmobile class at the Boys and Girls Brigade in December. Dates will be available by the next meeting. Old Business Octoberfest: The club had an excellent turnout at Octoberfest again this year. The day before the event the Octoberfest committee increased our corn order from 150 dozen to 175 dozen ears of corn. Everything was sold out by 4:41 PM. A special thanks goes out to all the club volunteers who helped make the event a huge success. FREE MEMBERSHIP DRAWING. Michele Covill was the lucky winner of the free club membership. A special thanks goes out to all the club members who brought donations for our hospitality suite to the meeting. New Business Wolff’s Pack Club Ride: Our VP, Grant Wilson is researching opportunities for a destination club ride this winter. Please share any ideas you may have to help plan this opportunity. The town of Cayuga, WI was brought up as a potential destination at the meeting. In the event, that we do have local snow in the area, we will try to take advantage of a club ride on a more impromptu basis. An officer of the Hook and Spear Club had a conversation with some of our club members about us participating in more local events in the area over the winter months. Ideas like offering snowmobile support for events like The Walk across the Lake among others were discussed. 8:32 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved. Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Stu and Patty Hoelzel, Harvey Harrison, Michele and Mariah Covill, Scott Thoma, Stu Brazee, Brian Reeves, Beth Calder, Todd Llewellyn
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes Sept 12, 2017 – Mikeee’s Paynes Point The meeting was called to order at 7:41 p.m. by Pres : Paul Kuehnl. First order of business: The April 2017 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo. Minutes were accepted and unanimously approved. Treasurer’s Report: Please join our club for a copy of the Treasurer’s report. Social / Promotions Committee No updates. Club Vintage Event: Stacy Frakes and Paul Kuehnl have been very busy all summer putting together a plan for the Fox Valley Winter Expo. The club is still looking for sponsorships from local businesses. Stacy handed out forms at the meeting to share with prospective partners for the event. The WP Board did have a meeting on Sept 5 and have already assigned the following local businesses to club board members: Team Winnebagoland, Ecklund, Ken’s Sports, Sportomotive, Gruett’s in Potter, Bohn’s in Berlin, Stravelers, Joes Power Center in Kimberley and the local Amsoil rep. Stacy is also trying to leverage our presence on Facebook and setup email lists for all of the counties surrounding Winnebago county to help spread the word. She is pushing to grow our Facebook likes on our page from the high 200’s to up over the 1,000 mark. AWSC Convention Hospitality Suite The club has a room reserved for the Hospitality Suite at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel on Friday October, 27, 2017. The room will be larger than the one that we had two years ago. The club plans to have around a dozen gift baskets this year, a 50/50 raffle and we will be selling cash raffle tickets at the event. We also plan to have a wheel barrow of booze again this year and are looking for donations from local businesses and club members for the raffle baskets. Club Raffle The club passed a raffle budget of $2,500 at the April meeting. The board has decided that we will be selling 500 tickets at $10 each for the following prizes: $2,000 cash grand prize plus five $100 second place prizes. Stacy will have the tickets available at the October meeting. We plan to sell these tickets at the Hospitality Suite and we plan on giving away the grand prize at the Fox Valley Winter Expo on January 6, 2018. County Director’s Report No updates this month. Trail/Grooming Committee The Summer sign party was cancelled due to a lack of attendance. We may still have another get together sometime this fall to prep the signs before our December marking day. There will be no marking before October due to the fact that none of the crops have been harvested yet. Membership and Safety Committee: No updates this month. Old Business AWSC of the year awards: Stephanie Kaul submitted a nice write-up honoring our local dealer, Team Winnebagoland. Unfortunately, they did not win the award this year. Octoberfest: The club will be selling corn again this year at Octoberfest. The board has delegated responsibilities out amongst the board members to have everything prepped for the event. We will be located in our same spot on College Ave as last year which is right in front of Houdini Plaza. We plan to once again sell 150 dozen ears of corn at our biggest annual fundraiser. A volunteer sign-up sheet was passed around at the meeting and we will still need additional help on both Friday Sept 29 and Saturday Sept 30. New Business Landowner Update: Paul Kuehnl’s family gave a donation of $500 to the club. FREE MEMBERSHIP DRAWING. The WP Board has made a special offer for a drawing for a free club membership for the 2017-2018 season. Any club member who submits a paid application and brings in a donation for our Hospitality Suite by our October meeting will be eligible to win. Thrivent Financial Members Choice dollars program: Now that the Wolff’s Pack SC is officially a 501c(3) corporation, Stacy Frakes submitted our organization to the Thrivent Financial Members Choice dollars program. In the event that we do get approved as an eligible member, we may be able to receive donations from people who invest with Thrivent Financial. 8:23 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved. Attendance: Jason Ollanketo, Paul Kuehnl, Stacy Frakes, Stu and Patty Hoelzel, Harv Harrison, Michele and Mariah Covill, Mike and Scott Thoma, Stu Brazee, Tom Jones, Ryan Bries, Brett Bernier Respectfully Submitted, Jason Ollanketo
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting MinutesDecember...
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting MinutesNovember...
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes October...
The Wolff’s Pack club grooms the trails from Lake Winnebago to the Wiouwash Trail in the Town of Vinland. The club also grooms the Winneconne Wolfrunner’s trail from the Wiouwash to the Winneconne High School.
Sign up for our newsetter for upcoming meetings, events and (coming soon) trail status updates!