Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting MinutesNovember 12, 2019 at Bare Bones BreweryThe meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl. First order of business:The Oct 2019 meeting minutes were read by Jason OllanketoMinutes were accepted and approved. Treasurer’s Report (Ending 10/31/2019)Please join the Wolff’s Pack to see a copy of the Treasurer’s Report.A deposit of $6,206.80 for Octoberfest was made on 10/5/2019. Club insurance cost $1,218.The Treasurer’s Report was accepted and approved. Social / Promotions CommitteeFox Valley Winter Expo:We will be doing basket raffles at the Fox Valley Winter Expo. Someone donated some Milwaukee Buck’s tickets for one of the raffle baskets. The Expo committee is looking for volunteers to help gather donations and help at this year’s event. The group discussed bringing the groomer and/or the tractor to offer rides again. Paul is accepting $25 vintage trophy sponsorships this year as well. So far 5 classes have sponsorships. Club Raffle: The club will be doing a Calendar Raffle for the month of February. Stacy got 600 tickets printed for $10 each with daily drawings for $100 each day of the month. The drawings will be held at the Beehive at 6:00 PM daily. Tickets were available at the meeting for members to start selling. Please contact Stacy Frakes if you can help sell tickets this year. County Director’s ReportThe AWSC Fall Workshop was held October 25-27th at the Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton. Mike Giese and Paul Kuehnl attended the general meeting. There were several topics reported on from the AWSC event. There is another Blue Mound comment period that the AWSC is looking to have snowmobilers offer their support. Look for emails on behalf of the AWSC on this topic in the near future. The AWSC will be paying out 100% of supplemental this year for every club in the state. The AWSC was able to fund 30 bridge projects with the added funds from the Trail Pass system. The AWSC is processing requests to add 500 miles of new funded trail across the entire state including Winnebago County. The two biggest issues that clubs are facing across the state are Trespassing and Noise, in that order. Trail/Grooming Committee Crops continue to come off and some of the trail has been disked as of the meeting date. A special thanks goes out to the following people who helped get our grooming equipment ready for the winter: Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Mike Giese, Mike Bresnyan, Mike Thoma, Eric Kappell and Brian Reeves. A big crew of guys took care of getting the groomer ready to go at Paul Kuehnl’s shop and Mike Bresnyan did a spectacular job welding on the new Wolff’s Pack dirt drag at the groomer shed. We also relocated one of the fuel barrels and will have fuel delivered to support this fall and winter activities. Great job guys! Please plan to attend our annual club marking day on December 7, 2019. We will be meeting at the Brazee barn across Hwy 76 from the Beehive at 8 AM that morning. If you are interested in attending please reach out to Jason Ollanketo at 920-203-6299 or just reply to one of the Wolff’s Pack emails. Membership and Safety Committee: The November membership renewals have brought our current renewed roster to 57 members overall. We had two new members show up at the meeting. AWSC applications were sent in on November 15th. The next AWSC mailing will be on December 15th. There will be a Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile/ATV safety class taught at the Boys and Girls Brigade in Neenah. Dec 11 and Dec 12 from 6 PM till 9 PM and Dec 14, 2019 from 8 AM till 3 PM. There are already 35 students signed up for this year’s course.Instructors: Jason Ollanketo, Andy Baus, Paul Villwock and Chase FreimarkPlease sign up for the class at www.gowild.com and look for snowmobile or atv courses in Winnebago County. Stacy Frakes did apply for a $250 donation from Thrivent to help support this event. We plan to purchase lunch for everyone during Saturday’s class as well as some class giveaway items. Old BusinessLand Donation requestsStacy has sent out multiple letters throughout the Vinland area requesting possible land donations for the club to place the Beehive building. February Club Cookout/Club Ride:This topic was tabled until after the Fox Valley Winter Expo. New BusinessThe Happy Wolf Mascot:Todd Llewellyn has been working with a printer to update our club logo from the “Angry Wolf” back to the original Wolff’s Pack “Happy Wolf” that used to represent our club. Todd will continue to work with the graphics and bring another sample to next months meeting. The club may be putting together a new clothing order in the future for anyone that is interested. There was a motion made by Stacy Frakes and seconded by Eric Kappell for the club to begin using the Happy Wolf on future Wolff’s Pack correspondence. 8:19 PM, Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved. Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Scott and Mike Thoma, Stu and Patty Hoelzel, Eric Kappell, Harvey Harrison, Stephen Merfeld, Mike Bresnyan, Todd Llewellyn, Matt Smits, Ben Case
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting MinutesOctober 8, 2019 at Bare Bones BreweryThe meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl. First order of business:The Sept 2019 meeting minutes were read by Brian Reeves.Two corrections were noted: The $100 donated to KAOS goes toward a scholarship fund. The Share balance for last month was increased by 51 cents.Minutes were accepted and approved with the noted changes. Treasurer’s Report (Ending 9/30/2019) Please join the Wolff’s Pack to see a copy of the Treasurer’s Report. Due to the timing of Octoberfest, most of the Octoberfest expenses showed up in the September Treasurer’s Report. All of the proceeds from Octoberfest will show up in the October Treasurer’s Report. Stacy did make a deposit of over $6,000 from the event proceeds. Social / Promotions CommitteeFox Valley Winter Expo:A Fox Valley Winter Expo Committee meeting was planned to be held on Wednesday 10/9 at 7 PM at Grant Wilson’s house. Club Raffle: The club discussed a club raffle for this year at the meeting. After a bunch of discussion Mike Thoma made a motion for the club to do a Calendar Raffle for the Month of February, 600 tickets for $10 each with daily drawings for $100 each day of the month. The drawings will be held at the Beehive at 6:00 PM daily. Grant Wilson seconded and all approved. Final details will be coordinated by the raffle committee after reaching agreement with the owner of the Beehive. County Director’s ReportThe AWSC Fall Workshop will be held October 25-27th at the Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton. Mike Giese and Paul Kuehnl are planning to attend. The Winnebago County Alliance discussed the pavement damage complaints from last winter in Winneconne. The Alliance discussed helping out the Winneconne Wolfrunners monetarily in the event that costs become too much to bear for the club. The Drifters mentioned that they may be able to donate some extra snow fence if it is required. Mike Giese reported that the Wisconsin Supplemental Grooming Fund may end up being funded at 100%. This would mean we will get more money from the county by the end of the year. Trail/Grooming Committee There will be a number of upcoming Groomer Shed work days over the next two months. The tracked groomer unit has been moved to Paul Kuehnl’s workshop and the new dirt drag is being worked on at the groomer shed. Please watch for emails. Crops are coming off very slowly this year due to the wet conditions and the late start to planting last spring. Membership and Safety Committee: The October membership renewals have brought our current renewed roster to 48 members overall. We still have several members that need to renew yet this season. AWSC memberships will now run from July 1st through June 30th. There will be a Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile/ATV safety class taught at the Boys and Girls Brigade in Neenah.Dec 11 and Dec 12 from 6 PM till 9 PM and Dec 14, 2019 from 8 AM till 3 PM.Instructors: Jason Ollanketo and Andy Baus Please sign up for the class at www.gowild.com and look for snowmobile or atv courses in Winnebago County. Stacy Frakes did say that we can apply for $250 from Thrivent to help support this event. Old BusinessOctoberfest:We had one of our most successful years at Octoberfest selling out of 180 dozen ears of corn by 4:00 PM. Based on this success, Mike Thoma made a motion for us to do Octoberfest again next year. Mike Giese seconded and all approved. New BusinessBuilding at the Beehive:The WP board met with the owner of the Beehive as well as the Vinland town board regarding the historic garage that the Beehive has located on their property. This shed was originally used by Sparky Meyers back in the 1960’s as his first garage for selling Arctic Cat snowmobiles. The town granted the Wolff’s Pack an extension through July of next year before the building needs to be moved. Our primary focus right now is to lock down some land in the township to have a place to move the shed for the future February Club Cookout/Club Ride:Paul Kuehnl brought up the topic of the club selling hot dogs, coffee and hot chocolate trail side this winter. The thoughts are to do this at the Triangle strip of land where the Wolff’s Pack trail meets up with the Wiouwash. A tentative date would be February 8, 2020 if the trails are open that day. The plan would be to meet there for a few hours in the morning to improve club awareness. Then go for a local club ride that afternoon if conditions allow. This will be a topic at future meetings. Club 1 year and 5 year goals: The WP board met to discuss an update to our 1 year and 5 year goals. 1 Year Goals: Maintain our trail system and promote safe trails, Maintain our equipment, Move the Beehive building and create a higher interest account for our savings. 5 year Goals: Increase our average attendance at club meetings, Save up to $40,000 for any of the following: Updated Equipment, possible land purchase, possible club house. 8:12 PM, Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved. Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Scott and Mike Thoma, Eric Kappell, Brian Reeves, Harvey Harrison, Casey Jost,
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting MinutesSeptember 10, 2019 at Bare Bones BreweryThe first meeting of the 2019/2020 season was called to order at 7:06 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl. First order of business:The April 2019 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo.Minutes were accepted and approved. Treasurer’s Report (Ending 8/31/2019) Please join the Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club to see a copy of the Treasurer’s Report.The club did receive a check from Winnebago County for $5,259.95 for our share of the trail mileage reimbursement from the 2018-2019 Snowmobile season as well as an $80 check from Thrivent Choice.The Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved. Social / Promotions CommitteeFox Valley Winter Expo:Paul and Stacy will continue to work on advertising for this event that is scheduled for Saturday January 4, 2020 at the Sunny View Expo Center. Club Raffle: No updates at the meeting. County Director’s ReportThe AWSC Fall Workshop will be held October 25-27th at the Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton. Stacy Frakes made a motion for the Wolff’s Pack to fund a $100 gift basket for the Kids and Adults on Sleds (KAOS) fundraiser that will be held at the Workshop. Scott Thoma seconded and all approved. Mike Giese mentioned that the AWSC has been talking about new landowner CRP programs for Monarch butterfly habitat within the state of Wisconsin. To be eligible for these programs, landowners may need to agree to not let any motorized vehicles operate on their land. This could potentially impact snowmobile trail access in the future. Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Matt Krueger and several members of the Poyganaires club attended a Sept 9th safety meeting in Winneconne to discuss damages caused by snowmobiles in the village over the 2018-2019 Winter Season. Winneconne leadership is interested in working with the local snowmobile clubs to improve the situation for this coming season. Trail/Grooming Committee There will be a number of upcoming Groomer Shed work days over the next two months. Please watch your email for invitations. Also let Mike Giese know if you are interested in joining the Groomer Committee. The Wolff’s Pack Annual marking day will be held this year on Saturday, Dec 7, 2019. Please mark your calendars. Membership and Safety Committee: We collected 23, 2019-2020 memberships during the month of September. Please note that we would like all club members to renew by October 15th this season to make sure there is no interruption of your AWSC magazine. All AWSC memberships will now run from July 1st through June 30th. Old Business2019/2020 Wolff’s Pack Meeting Location:Last April, the club decided that we would like to try meeting at the Beehive this season. The new Beehive Barn and Grill is now open and is busy as ever. Due to the new popularity of this renovated establishment, the Board discussed feasibility of running successful meetings with the owner of the Beehive. She is OK with us not meeting there at this time. As such, the Board did decide to have our first meeting of the season at the Bare Bones Brewery in Oshkosh. Eric Kappell made a motion for the club to have all of our meetings at the Bare Bones Brewery for the 2019-2020 season. Stacy Frakes seconded and all approved. Bylaws Updates:The Board reviewed the club’s bylaws given the membership status updates made by the AWSC at their Annual meeting in March. Updates were made to revise the Wolff’s Pack membership year to coincide with the AWSC timeline. There were also provisions added to charge more for memberships after June 1st of a given membership year. Mike Giese made a motion to approve the revised bylaws and Eric Kappell seconded, all approved. New BusinessAnnual Budget Review:Club Vice President, Grant Wilson put together a revised Annual budget for the 2019-2020 season. The budget was discussed at the meeting. Eric Kappell made a motion to approve the budget and Todd Llewellyn seconded with all approving. Club Attendance Raffle:Eric Kappell has generously donated $200 on behalf of his business, Dimensions Plastering, LLC. This money will be used to draw a winner at our April 2019 election meeting. Every meeting that you attend in person this year will give you one more chance to win. You must be present to win at the final meeting. Stacy Frakes also supplied some door prizes that were handed out to a few lucky winners at the meeting. 8:06 PM., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved. Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Scott and Mike Thoma, Eric Kappell, Stu and Patty Hoelzel, Brian Reeves, Todd Llewellyn, Bruce and Cindy Loberg, Harvey Harrison, Stephen Merfeld, Casey Jost, Andy Baus,
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting MinutesApril 9, 2019 at the Neenah Hook and Spear ClubThe meeting was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl. First order of business:The March 2019 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo.Minutes were accepted and approved. Treasurer’s Report (Ending 3/31/2019) Please join the Wolff’s Pack to see a copy of the Treasurer’s Report.The Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved. Social / Promotions CommitteeFox Valley Winter Expo:Paul would like to focus on more kid events for next year. He did visit one show that had a kids lego contest that was judged at the event. More to come next year. Club Raffle:No updates at the meeting. The club would like to do a raffle again next season. County Director’s ReportThe AWSC Annual convention was held March 22-24 at the Radisson Hotel and Convention Center in Green Bay, WI. Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo and Paul Kuehnl all attended the Saturday General meeting. The major updates from the meeting were as follows. The AWSC membership fee will be increasing from $10 to $12 for next year. At this time, the Wolff’s Pack will not be raising our membership rates for this cost increase. The AWSC membership will be changing to follow a calendar year starting on July 1st and going through June 30th of the following year. No matter what time you join a club and the AWSC, your membership will expire on June 30th. The AWSC did state that any applications that are received as of the convention date of March 23, 2019 will be held until July 1st and processed for next year. The AWSC is planning on still sending out magazines in early fall even though everyone’s membership will already be expired. This will give clubs a chance to get their members renewed in the fall after the normal schedules for club meetings begin. Trail/Grooming Committee All of the signs along the trail were picked up on Saturday April 6th by Mike Giese, Mike Bresynan and Mike Thoma. Thanks guys, for volunteering your time. The trail boss did state that we will need to have a “Sign Party” to wash the signs that got covered in mud during the extraction. Membership and Safety Committee: We currently have 63 members on our roster. One of our club members, Andy Baus, has recently been certified by the DNR to be an ATV/Snowmobile Safety Instructor. Andy will be helping Jason Ollanketo teach an ATV/Snowmobile Safety Class in early December at the Boys and Girls Brigade in Neenah. Old BusinessClub Disk: The club did end up finding a very nice disk for sale on the other side of Lake Winnebago. The club ended up getting this disk for $2,500. Paul Kuehnl also agreed to buy the harrows off the back of the disk to bring the total cost down to $2,300 from $3,500 budgeted. Please see the attached picture of our new 12 foot wide disk with 20 inch disks and four foot wings on each side that will serve as extra weight for fall tilling as well as future spare parts. Paul Kuehnl did make a motion for the club to list our old disk for sale on Facebook Marketplace for $250. Scott Thoma seconded and all approved. 2019/2020 Wolff’s Pack Meeting Location:Jason Ollanketo made a motion for the club to have our meetings next year at the brand new, Beehive Barn and Grill on County Hwy G. Mike Giese seconded and all approved. The Beehive is expected to open its new building sometime early this summer and they will be offering up their dining area for us to conduct meetings on Tuesday nights. New BusinessFundraising opportunities for 2019/2020 seasonOctoberfest: The club agreed that we will once again sell Allen’s corn at Octoberfest next season. AWSC Hospitality Suite: After a lot of discussion, the club did decide that we will not be doing a Hospitality Suite at the AWSC workshop this fall at the Radisson in Appleton. Fox Valley Winter Expo: The club has already committed to having another Vintage Snowmobile Event at the Sunnyview expo center next year. The Expo committee will be putting together ideas for fundraising events associated with this annual undertaking. Charitable Donations:Paul Kuehnl did reach out to the Vinland Fire Department to see if they had any current financial needs and they said they did not. We did hear that the Neenah-Menasha Rescue Team was looking to raise funds to purchase much needed supplies. Patty Hoelzel made a motion for the Wolff’s Pack to donate $250 to the Neenah-Menasha-Water Rescue Team, Scott Thoma seconded and all approved. Stacy Frakes agreed to talk with them so we could make a formal presentation to them at a later date. Bylaw Updates and Membership changes:Due to the recent changes made by the AWSC regarding their membership policies, the Wolff’s Pack Board will be examining changes to our bylaws to better align with the AWSC. We will be voting on these proposed changes at our September Annual meeting. The club will be making a big push to get as many memberships as possible paid at the September meeting this year. We will also be pushing to collect memberships for our 2020/2021 season at our final April meeting so that all club memberships can be sent in right after the July 1st renewal date in July of 2020. Club Goals Review:The board will be reviewing our 1 year and 5 year goals over the summer months and has plans to present updates to the club at our Annual meeting in September. Nominations and Elections for officersStacy Frakes agreed to accept a nomination for the Treasurer role for the next two years. Grant Wilson accepted a nomination to run again as Vice President and Eric Kappell accepted a nomination to run as a two year board member. After lots of discussions, Scott Thoma made a motion to cast a unanimous ballot to elect Grant, Stacy and Eric to these respective positions. A special thanks goes out to these club members for volunteering their services to support the club. 2019-2021 Vice President: Grant Wilson2019-2021 Treasurer: Stacy Frakes2019-2021 Board Member: Eric Kappell 9:12 PM., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved. Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Scott and Mike Thoma, Eric Kappell, Stu and Patty Hoelzel
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting MinutesMar 12, 2019 at the Neenah Hook and Spear ClubThe meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl. First order of business:The February 2019 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo.Minutes were accepted and approved. Treasurer’s Report (Ending 2/28/2019) Please join the Wolff’s Pack to see a copy of the Treasurer’s Report.The Treaasurer’s Report was unanimously approved. Social / Promotions CommitteeFox Valley Winter Expo:No updates at the meeting. The club is planning on doing this event again next year. Club Raffle:No updates at the meeting. County Director’s ReportThe AWSC Annual convention will be held March 22-24 at the Radisson Hotel and Convention Center in Green Bay, WI. Mike Giese will be attending as the Winnebago County Director. Jason Ollanketo as the WCSA President and WP President, Paul Kuehnl are also considering attending just the general meeting this year. The DNR was having a public forum on the Blue Mound State park snowmobile access at the same time as our club meeting. It sounds like the event was well attended by local snowmobile clubs. If you are interested in providing your own public feedback please visit the attached link on the DNR’s website. They are soliciting open feedback until March 26, 2019. The AWSC has taken an interest in this case, because they are concerned that if one State Park goes against their Master Plan and stops allowing snowmobile access, other parks within the state could follow suit. https://dnr.wi.gov/topic/Lands/PropertyPlanning/BlueMound/ Once you access this link, you can scroll down the page and click on the “Blue Mound State Park Master Plan Online Public Input Form”. Trail/Grooming Committee The club had groomed a total of 80.3 hours as of Friday, March 8, 2019. The trails in Winnebago County were open a total of 40 days as of the final closure date of Wednesday March 13 at 6 AM. Membership and Safety Committee: We currently have 63 members on our roster. An additional 2 memberships were sent into the AWSC since the February meeting. Old BusinessNo old business this month. New BusinessMeeting Location for 2018/2019 seasonThe club talked about moving our club meetings to the new Beehive Barn and Grill starting in September of next season. No voting has taken place on this topic yet. Nominations for officersElections will be held at our next meeting in April. There are three open positions that need to be filled for two year terms including Vice President, Treasurer and Mike Thoma’s outgoing board position. Our Treasurer, Stacy Frakes, will be stepping down from her role over the past few years. We would all like to wish Stacy the best moving forward with a special thanks going out to her for her role in getting our club setup as a 501(c)3 during her tenure. We could not have done it without her. Nominations are open for all three positions, so please let us know if you are interested in running for office. Club DiskThe board met before the meeting and discussed our equipment needs going forward. The current disk is in desperate need of replacement after a hard year of working up frozen soil. The board agreed that the club should actively pursue the purchase of an updated piece of equipment. Guidelines were set to search for a disk that had at least 20 inch discs and a maximum width between 10 and 14 feet wide. Disks with wings will also be considered as they offer more weight for better tilling if the wings are left in the up position. After more discussion during the meeting, Eric Kappell made a motion for the board to spend up to $3,500 on a replacement disk sometime during the next six months. Mike Bresynan seconded and all approved. Some of our board members plan to visit some local farm auctions this spring to find the right equipment for us moving forward. 8:21 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved. Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Mike Thoma, Scott Thoma, Eric Kappell, Mike Bresynan, Brian Reeves, Stu Hoelzel
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting MinutesFeb 19, 2019 at the Neenah Hook and Spear ClubThe meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl. First order of business:The January 2019 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo.Minutes were accepted and approved. Treasurer’s Report (Ending 1/31/2019) Please join the Wolff’s Pack to get a copy of the Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved. Social / Promotions CommitteeFox Valley Winter Expo:No updates at the meeting. The club is planning on doing this event again next year. Club Raffle:No updates at the meeting. County Director’s ReportThe AWSC will be raising their membership dues from $10 to $12 next year to offset rising costs and inflation. The AWSC will also be voting on changing the effectivity of AWSC memberships to coincide with snowmobile registrations from July 1- June 30th on an Annual basis. This will eliminate the loophole of people buying two years of trail passes on only one year of club/AWSC membership. Their will be a 1 year grace period on this change taking effect. The AWSC legal team is waiting for the Blue Mound State Park public comment period to begin. Watch your emails for updates on this topic and be prepared to help support snowmobiling in the park against the Blue Mound Friend’s group who does not want snowmobile trails to run through the park. Trail/Grooming Committee The club had groomed a total of 41.3 hours as of February 19. The trails in Winnebago County have been open a total of 17 days as of the meeting. The equipment is currently performing well. Membership and Safety Committee: We currently have 61 members on our roster. An additional 3 memberships were sent into the AWSC since the January meeting. Old BusinessClub Destination Ride: Due to poor trail conditions and a lack of participation our January club ride in Minocqua was canceled. New BusinessThe club decided to go an impromptu club ride from the Neenah Hook and Spear Club to the Beehive. Tom Spierowski discussed that some new club members were not sure how the Trail Pass system worked. It is important to note that when you join a snowmobile club, we send in $10 to the AWSC so you become a member of both our club and the AWSC. Once you have an AWSC member ID number, you are then eligible to purchase your own trail pass directly through the AWSC website for a reduced $10 rate. The club cannot buy your trail pass for you, since we do not have access to your unique sled registration information that is also required to purchase a trail pass. 8:12 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved. Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Dave and Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Scott Thoma, Eric Kappell, Mike Bresynan, Tom Spierowski
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting MinutesJan 8, 2019 at the Neenah Hook and Spear ClubThe meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl. First order of business: The December 2018 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo.Minutes were accepted and approved. Treasurer’s Report (Ending 12/31/2018) Please join the Wolff’s Pack to get a copy of the Treasurer’s Report.The Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved. Social / Promotions CommitteeFox Valley Winter Expo:The Fox Valley Winter Expo was held on Saturday Jan 5, 2019. The event was well attended and saw a 50% increase in class entries from the previous year with over 120 show spots. It was also a much nicer day this year with temperatures in the 40’s most of the day. We had both our Massey Ferguson tractor and our 1989 Bombardier groomer present at the event. We also had a side by side donated by Riesterer and Schnell to give kid’s rides. The groomer ended up stealing the show and we had many excited children (and even some adults) who took advantage of taking a ride in the groomer. We did very well for our second year for this event. Official totals for the event will be available at our next club meeting in February and will also factor in all of our expenses for the event. The event was a huge success and an improvement over our first year. Club Raffle:On Saturday morning at the start of Winter Expo, we had just broken even on our Cash raffle ticket sales. We ended up selling 299 tickets this year out of the 500 tickets available. After our $2,000 payout and factoring in ticket printing fees, we ended up making around $745 total for the raffle. A special thanks goes out to everyone who helped sell tickets to make this raffle a success. Another special note is that the grand prize ticket was purchased by one of our club members as a Christmas gift. This marks the second year in a row that a gift to someone else was the winning ticket. Congratulations to our Raffle WinnersBen Smit $1,500 Grand Prize Stacy Frakes $100Keith Uhlenbrauck $100Nathan Ollanketo $100Randy Nicklaus $100Mae Tyler $100 County Director’s ReportThe AWSC County Director’s meeting was held in Rice Lake the day of Expo, so Mike Giese did not attend. Representative Mark Bombinski went in Mike’s place but was not available to give our club an update. Trail/Grooming Committee The trail is now fully marked. The club did go out grooming one time from the groomer shed out to Lake Winnebago on New Years Day, but the warm weather over expo weekend erased all our efforts. The trails were very rough and in definite need of more snow. The club did discuss the fact that we do not currently have any spare tires for our groomer. Mike Giese and Paul Kuehnl plan to get some estimates to get at least one spare tire available in case we have a failure. Membership and Safety Committee: We currently have 58 members on our roster. An additional 2 memberships were sent into the AWSC on Jan 1, 2019. As of this meeting we have one pending membership to be sent to the AWSC in mid-January. Old BusinessClub Destination Ride: Weekend of January 25 at the Americinn in Minocqua, WI.There were only two rooms booked for the club ride by the Jan 1st cutoff date for the reduced rate. New Club Drag:At the last meeting the club put together a budget to go look at a used drag for sale in Portage, WI. Mike Giese and Mike Bresynan were able to get a free truck and trailer rental to go look at the drag and talked the owners down to $800 for the purchase. All told, including fuel and lunch, the Mikes ended up spending $904 of a $1,200 budget picking up this used piece of equipment. The groomer committee plans to make some upgrades to this unit over the summer months with plans to help use it for trail leveling next fall. New BusinessMike Giese made a motion for the club to rent the Sunnyview Expo center again next year for the Fox Valley Winter Expo on Saturday Jan 4, 2020. Stacy Frakes seconded and all approved. The club did discuss that if we do plan to have this event again in 2021, that we would probably have to move it out to the second Saturday in January, since the first Saturday will fall on January 2, 2021 which is too close to the New Year’s holiday. 8:14 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved. Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Brian Reeves, Scott Thoma, Sean Neitzel, Harvey Harrison, Stu Hoelzel, Bruce Butler
Sunnyview Expo Center, Oshkosh, WI January 4, 2020 Classes 1. 3 wheeler 2. 4 wheeled ATV older than 1995. 3. Best Dressed Male 4. Best Dressed Female. 16 Snowmobile Classes: 1. 1966 and older original 2. 1966 and older restored 3. 1967-1971 Original 4. 1967-1971 Restored 5. 1972-1975 Original 6. 1972-1975 Restored 7. 1976-1980 Original 8. 1976-1980 Restored 9. 1981-1985 All 10.1986-1995 All 11. Race Sled 1995 and Older 12. Mini Sled 1995 and Older 13. Rat Sled/Vintage Modified 14. Vintage Cutter 15. Any other snow machine pre 1995 (groomers, etc…), 16. Youth Entry: 17 and younger for sleds 1995 and older (Please be honest on the youth’s project) Many ways to win some hardware! Call Paul at 920-915-6527 for questions on classes. We hope to see you there!
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes Dec 11, 2018 at the Neenah Hook and Spear Club The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl. First order of business: The November 2018 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo. Minutes were accepted and approved. Treasurer’s Report (Ending 11/31/2018) Please join our club to get a copy of the Treasurer’s report. The Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved. Social / Promotions Committee Fox Valley Winter Expo: Get ready for our second year of Expo on Saturday January 5, 2019. A volunteer signup sheet was passed around at the meeting. Please contact Paul Kuehnl at 920-915-6527 if you are interested in helping out. Trophies are on order and Paul has lined up some good sponsors for this year’s event: Team Winnebagoland, Skippy’s Salvage Yard and Ariens to name a few. A crew plans to start setting up inside the Expo center from 3-6 PM on Friday January 4th. We are hoping that volunteers can start showing up by 7:30 AM on Saturday to be ready for when sleds start showing up. We are also looking for donations to have 5 or 6 raffle baskets to give away at the show. Please drop off any items that you would like to donate at Paul Kuehnl’s house at 1653 Nelson CT, Neenah, WI 54956. He lives half a block north of Mikeee’s. Club Raffle: Raffle tickets are still available for sale. If everyone in the club sold tickets, we would have them gone in no time. Please contact Stacy at 920-851-3765 if you are interested in selling some. All tickets need to be turned in on Friday evening on Jan 4 to prepare for the drawing on Saturday. We will be selling tickets all day at the event as well. County Director’s Report No updates this month. Trail/Grooming Committee The trail marking is about 95% complete. A special thanks goes out to Mike Giese, Mike Bresynan, Jack Zellmer, Andy Baus, Jason Ollanketo, Paul Kuehnl and Grant Wilson for getting the job done. There is a small section that still has corn on it just west of Woodenshoe road. There are some new reroutes on our trail from the GG overpass up to highway 76. Paul Kuehnl and Grant Wilson used a tracked skid steer to smooth out some rough sections of the trail and at this point, we do not believe we will have to hire out any bulldozing this season. Membership and Safety Committee: We currently have 56 members on our roster. An additional 5 memberships were sent into the AWSC on December 14. Jason Ollanketo, Andy Baus from the Wolff’s Pack and Paul Villwock from the Sno-Pioneers club taught a joint ATV/Snowmobile safety class at the Boys and Girls Brigade in Neenah, the week of Dec 3rd. Overall, we had 10 ATV graduates and 8 snowmobile graduates. Everyone passed the class. We will be teaching another class next year in December. Old Business Club Destination Ride: Weekend of January 25 at the Americinn in Minocqua, WI. There have not been any rooms booked yet for our club ride in Minocqua. If no one books a room by the December 31st deadline for the $109 discounted price, the event will be canceled. Call the hotel directly to reserve a room at 715-356-3730 and state that you are with the Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club. New Business The board had some discussions prior to the general meeting regarding the potential purchase of a used drag to help level trails. This year was very hard on our equipment. It was a very wet fall and farmers had to wait until the ground froze up to take off their crops. We did the best we could trying to get fields disked, but our disk did take a beating and is in need of some repair during the off season. Mike Giese found a $1,000 drag near Portage, WI that has been for sale for quite some time. We are hoping to go take a look at that drag and consider using it for leveling frozen ground for years such as this one. This is something that the Drifters have been doing for the past couple of seasons. Mike Bresynan made a motion for the club to spend up to $1,200 including gas money and trailer rental to purchase this drag, Shane Zemlock seconded and all approved. 8:19 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved. Attendance: Paul Kuehnl, Grant Wilson, Stacy Frakes, Mike Giese, Jason Ollanketo, Brian Reeves, Mike Thoma, Mike Bresynan, Sean Neitzel, Harvey Harrison, Tom Spierowski, Bruce Loberg, Shane Zemlock Location: Neenah Hook and Spear Club, 1934 County HWY A, Neenah WI 54956 Next Meeting Date: Jan 5 (EXPO), Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 12, April 9.
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting MinutesNov 13, 2018 at the Neenah Hook and Spear Club The meeting was called to order at 7:44 p.m. by President, Paul Kuehnl. First order of business:The October 2018 meeting minutes were read by Jason Ollanketo.Minutes were accepted and approved. Treasurer’s Report Please join our club to see a copy of the meeting minutes.Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved. Social / Promotions CommitteeFox Valley Winter Expo:Paul is still looking for sponsors for the event. Stacy brought Expo Posters to the meeting for club members to start getting them posted. Paul is looking for a club member to travel with him to the Vintage show up in Middle Inlet (Close to Crivitz) on Saturday Dec 1st. Paul is looking to promote our vintage event and sell raffle tickets at that show. Paul still needs to get trophies lined up for the event and Stacy has applied for the liquor license for the Expo. Club Raffle:Stacy brought 500 printed raffle tickets to the meeting to hand out to club members. Please let us know if you have the ability to sell raffle tickets this year. There will be a $1,500 grand prize and five additional $100 prizes in the $2,000 cash raffle. Tickets are $10 each. Stacy agreed to bring some tickets to Mikeee’s Bar and Paul Kuehnl was going to check to see if the Beehive could sell them. County Director’s ReportMike attended the Fall Workshop and County Director’s meeting at Chula Vista Casino in Wisconsin Dells, the last weekend in October. The event was attended by 703 people. The DNR had a Recreational Liaison in attendance who spoke about the importance of snowmobilers participating in DNR surveys such as the Recreation Opportunity Analysis which recently concluded its open public comment period. Mike also said to keep an eye out for upcoming DNR public comment periods regarding adding additional deer hunting seasons. There are some areas proposing hunts throughout the month of January. Hunts like this could possibly diminish snowmobile trail access across landowner’s property who prefer to use their property for hunting. Next year will be the AWSC’s 50th year. They plan to release a special commemorative Magazine edition for the month of February. The Directors did discuss passing a bylaw change that would allow them to have the annual AWSC membership run from the July 1 – June 30th. This change would require everyone to become an AWSC member on an annual basis and only be eligible to purchase one year of trail passes during a given membership year. Trail/Grooming Committee Mike has talked to all of the landowners on our trail for this season. There are still many fields with crops on them. It is now too cold to effectively disk and we are going to have to do a substantial amount of bulldozing this year if any farmers decide to work up their fields. We did get some of the fields disked during the first weekend of November before the latest rains hit. Sections 1, 2 and 3 have already been marked by Mike and his wife and Randy Wolf did an awesome job grading out our new woods trail over the summer months. Membership and Safety Committee: 43 memberships were submitted to the AWSC on November 1st. An additional 8 memberships will be submitted in mid-November. Jason Ollanketo will be teaching an ATV/Snowmobile safety class at the Boys and Girls Brigade in Neenah on the following dates: Dec 4 from 6 till 9 PM, Dec 6 from 6 till 9 PM and on Dec 8 from 8 AM till 3 PM. Registration materials will be handed out at the brigade on Tuesday Nov 27th to give students a chance to study ahead. Old BusinessClub Destination Ride: Weekend of January 25 at the Americinn in Minocqua, WI.Grant Wilson has blocked a group of rooms at the Americinn in Minocqua. The cost of the rooms will be $109 per night. Call the hotel directly to reserve a room at 715-356-3730 and state that you are with the Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club. Reservations need to be made by January 1st, at which point the block of rooms will be released and you will have to pay the full room price of $159/night. A full weekend itinerary is in the works and will be published at a later date. New BusinessThe group had some discussions regarding the merit of becoming a Snowmobile/ATV club. Future board discussions will need to take place on this topic prior to bringing anything to the general meeting. There were some brief discussions regarding having the board review options to open up some type of CD or higher yielding savings account and there will also be future discussions regarding getting more business signs on our snowmobile trail. 8:56 P.M., Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved.
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting MinutesDecember...
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting MinutesNovember...
Wolff’s Pack Snowmobile Club Meeting Minutes October...
The Wolff’s Pack club grooms the trails from Lake Winnebago to the Wiouwash Trail in the Town of Vinland. The club also grooms the Winneconne Wolfrunner’s trail from the Wiouwash to the Winneconne High School.
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